Wednesday, February 15, 2017

English 1H blog 1

Hello freshmen,

Answer One of the following questions using appropriate academic language. Use textual evidence and give thorough elaboration. Make sure to begin your post with T.A.G. and make sure to use your full name. Answers must be 200 words or more.

1.) Why does Atticus decide to defend Tom Robinson even when he knows he won't win the case? Do you think people today would do this?

2.) Why do you think the author Harper Lee chose to tell the story through Scout's point of view? Which scenes show her naiveté (innocent ignorance)?

3.) Why do you think the author Harper Lee chose to begin the novel with the children trying to make Boo Radley come out? How might this relate to a possible theme in the novel?


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  2. The author began the novel with the children trying to make Boo Radley come out because it was something that would be reoccurring. This might relate to the possible theme of perseverance because the children do not give up on trying to get Boo out. -Kathy & Teresa

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  7. Question 1: In the passage “To Kill a Mocking Bird” father of scout, Atticus, is chosen to represent a black man in court. The black man is accused of raping a white woman. Atticus had the choice to refuse this case but Atticus chose to take the case because if he didn’t it would hurt his integrity. Yes, Atticus gets a lot of hate by the people in Maycomb but Atticus make the right decision to help out this man. I personally think that the black man is innocent due to the amount of racism in Maycomb. Case in point, even the children were taught to hate black people. Even Atticus knew he wouldn’t win due to the racism once again but he went for it anyway. People today would due this no problem because of the equality here in the U.S. People are not as racist as they were before so race wouldn’t make a difference in trial. Racism is not supported here in the united states. Nobody would get hate for their skin color. I believe that people now are actually unbiased with race and judge by a person actions. My answer is yes someone would got trial for a black man now a day.

  8. In the novel "To Kill A Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee Atticus decided to defend Tom Robinson even though he knows he can not win the case because he said that "...if i didn't i couldn't hold up my head in this town,I couldn't represent this country in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again"(100). Basically Atticus stated that if he did not defend Tom Robinson he would lose his job and be humiliated. Atticus might find a way to win the case or at least be recognized for trying. I think people today still do this because they still get paid and at least tried.-Daniel Cuevas

  9. In the novel "To Kill A Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee Atticus decided to defend Tom Robinson even though he knows he can not win the case because he said that "...if i didn't i couldn't hold up my head in this town,I couldn't represent this country in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again"(100). Basically Atticus stated that if he did not defend Tom Robinson he would lose his job and be humiliated. Atticus might find a way to win the case or at least be recognized for trying. I think people today still do this because they still get paid and at least tried.-Daniel Cuevas

  10. In the book,"To Kill a Mockingbird", the author, Harper Lee, states that Atticus says, "...if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again.(100)" Basically, Atticus was trying to say that if he did not even try to defend Tom Robinson, then he would not feel worthy of any kind of respect, for he would not be able to respect himself. This is why Atticus decides to defend Tom Robinson even though he knows he has no chance of winning the case. However, nowadays, people are the total opposite. They care for no one but themselves. They would probalbly say that they would to make themselves look good, but in reality, they would not even try. Nowadays people are so arogant, they would not even go out of their way to save another persons' life. It is only when they themselves are at risk that they expect for someone to do what they did not even bother to think about. -Juliet Valenzuela

  11. Miguel Reyes- In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the author chooses to include the children trying to make Boo Radley come out of his house to show that the curiosity and fun innocence of children to make the story relate to the readers and make the story more realistic. The theme of the story may be innocence, and curiosity. This could mean that Scout, Jem, and Dill are curious about how Boo Radley looks like and how he behaves, and that’s why they are trying to get Boo out of his house. Another reason on why the author added this scene in the story is to show that maybe, Boo Radley is not as bad as he seems. This adds in to the theme of curiosity and innocence because maybe Boo Radley is a good person and he is just mistaken for a not so good person because of the rumors that are made by the towns people. To add to this, maybe the author added the scene to relate to the theme of curiosity because that is the most prominent them is the book. All the kids want to do is get a glimpse of whom Boo Radley is.

  12. In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, there is a African American man named Tom Robinson who unfortunately was accused of raping a white woman. Based on prior information Of the Jim Crow laws, that where very popular in the South in the 1930’s. Atticus decides to defend him in his trial. Earlier in the book, Scout asks Atticus why he chose to represent Tom Robinson. He responded by telling her that if he didn't defend him it would weigh poorly on his conscious. However, I personally believe that what he said in response to Miss. Dubose’s death. He said in chapter 11, that true courage is being “licked” before you begin and making the decision to begin anyways; shows more why he decides to take the case. Him taking the case displays a great act of immense courage, for he has almost absolutely no chance at all of winning the trial in that time, even if Tom Robinson is innocent; and the only reason is because he is black. This is one perfect example of being licked before you begin and beginning anyways. This is why I personally believe Atticus made the tough decision to take on Mr. Robinson’s case.
    -Jamie Peabody

  13. Leonel Sanchez:In the novel, To Kill A MockingBird, by Harper Lee, he wants to so what the goal of the kids try to do. The goal is to make Boo Radley to come out. It author stated that Jem said,"It began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo Radley"(1). Something is going on with Boo Radley so like something weird is going on. Later on Jem and Scout was walking when it said in the novel there was a house that was dark that looks abandoned but someone lives there that is Boo Radly. One of the sense that Dill,Jem, and Scout went to Boo Radly house and went Nathan Radley(Dad of Books Radley) saw someone that was a kids but did not know so Nathan Radley got a shot gun and shot it.The kids were running when Jemima pants got struck with his pants so he took them off. They knew everyone from the neighborhood is going to be at Booth Radley house so the kinds went running. They ask why Jem did not have is pants the kids lied that they were playing a game name strip poker. Jem went after when everything was finished for his pants but his pants were all sold them like someone did and it was Boo Radly. The author believes that sometimes throughout your life, people are judged based on how different they are.

  14. In the novel” To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee chose to start with the children trying to make Boo Radley come out. She chose to start with the children, because she wanted us to get to know them because she is trying to tell us that during the Great Depression that that’s what children their age did. He also started with that because he wanted us that Boo Radley might not be a bad person such as when the children went to the Radley’s place to peek in the window and saw a shadow shaped as a tree trunk, then get chased away with a gunshot, after, Jems pants get stuck and takes them off, after when he returned to get them they were sown and folded as if someone knew he was going to return. He also wanted us to know how the kid characteristics can be like if they can be curious and innocent, but mostly they can lose their temper. In my opinion I think that a great theme for the novel is perseverance because the kids never backed up when they thought of the idea to go to the Radley’s place and peek in.-Cristian A.

  15. In the novel "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee Atticus is defending a man named Tom Robinson that is accused of raping a white women. As Jim crows law states "a black male could not offer his hand or any other part of his body to a white woman... It would be accused of rape." ( On chapter 9 It states that the main reason Atticus is defending Tom Robinson is "The main one reason is, if I did not I could not hold up my head in town, I could not represent this country in the legislature, I could not even tell you or Jem not to do something again." (100) I also agree with Atticus on his decisions to defend this man named Tom Robinson because It is not right being disrespectful to other people just because they are a different color or race. ~Ricky Marvin Albay

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  17. In the book “How to kill a mockingbird” Atticus defends tom because he explained to Scout many times about this, He is doing this because he values equality and justice. He believes that everyone is equal and therefore just because Tom Robinson is black, doesn't mean that he should not defend him. He says to Scout many times, if he did not defend this man, he could never tell Jem or her Scout not to do something. He has to set a good example for his children and if he expects them to do something or follow certain values, then he must display them first. In this case, he is displaying that everyone deserves a chance and that everyone is equal. He is also trying to make the town of Maycomb more accepted of this idea since this is a town of great discrimination. Even though he is only one man, he is hoping to cause a ripple effect and hoping that people will see the light and start believing that everyone is truly equal, no matter what their skin color is.

  18. In the novel"To Kill A Mockinbird" by Harper Lee, Atticus states "The main reason is,if I didn't hold up my head in the town,I couldn't represent this country in the legislature,I couldn't even tell you or jem not to do something again.(100)"Basically what Atticus is saying is that if he doesn't defend Tom Robinson he wouldn't be going his job of juging and giving people the rights they deserved.-Alex Garcia

  19. This caused a minimum amount of trouble for Scout when she was in school, because a lot of people would call Atticus a negro lover and therefore Scout felt like they were wrong and that she should she stand up for help in some way,Scout noticed that after court Atticus didn't feel threatened by Bob Ewell's threats and she was surprised, and Atticus at that time was trying to show his children that they should stand up for what they believe no matter what Consequences, but also do it in a calm matter.

  20. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, the author Harper Lee chooses to include the children trying to make Boo Radley come out because it shows that the children are curious. The theme of this novel may be curiosity and being adventurous. The kids show they are curious by how badly they want to see Boo Radley come out because they want to see his appearance and behavior. In effect for the kids wanting to see Boo Radley so bad it makes them do adventurous things. Also the children don't really know if all the rumors are true about Boo Radley, witch makes they curious enough to do adventurous things to get him out of his house. To add to this Scout, Jem and Dill are children, and most children are adventurous and curious about almost everything. The kids get all this information about Boo Radley from the towns people who make him seem as if he was a monster, witch makes the kids extremely curious about what they are hearing. In result of the children being so curious and adventurous they soon find out Boo Radley is not the monster the towns people say he is. Boo Radley was not a bad guy he was just someone that people made horrible rumors about. - Nicole Santos

  21. Pablo Salazar:

    In the novel,"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the author begins the story by describing Boo Radley as a bad and mysterious man . The author may have started the novel this way because it could tie into the theme of the story. One possible theme is judgment. Boo Radley is judged by the stories heard about him. Little hints that the author gives away shows that what the children hear of him is not true. For example, the Wrigley's gum that is left for them, as well as the pennies. This all shows that Boo Radley is not what people say he is. All of the novel may tie into this, and the overall theme could be judgment. Examples of judgment have been shown in the novel already. Scout expressed,“Atticus was a feeble: he was nearly fifty”(118). She thought Atticus was not capable of anything. Scout also thought her father could not do what everyone else's fathers could do because he was old. Then on chapter 10, Atticus saves the little town from Tim Johnson, the mad dog. This changes the way Scout and all the other children view Atticus. This possibly could be the case with Boo Radley.

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  23. In the novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee the author shares with us the character Boo radley. Which he is suppose to be this mysterious, weird, and creepy guy who lives on the block. He is those things because of all the rumors that start up about him from the town. Kinda like Edward Scissorhands he is suppose to be this mean creepy guy, but turns out that he isn't. So the local kids which are scout, Jem, and dill. The kids are very interested in boo radley and they believe the stuff they hear. What kid doesn't like when you believed Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. So as we go along the story the kids are trying to make Boo radley come out of his so they can see for themselves. That evidence right there shows that kids are curious in Mr. Radley. They obviously must be adventurous to to keep going to this guy's house. The author is giving us many themes like don't judge a book by its cover. Curiosity when they want him to come outside so they can see this mysterious guy. Or even adventurous because they like going to his house practically everyday. It turns out that Boo radley isn't as bad as they thought he was or creepy or mysterious he was like everyone else just with rumors. Just like Edward Scissorhands which was different at all just wanted love.

  24. Jose Ramirez -- In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the reason why Atticus decides to defend Tom Robinson because he believes in equality and justice. Tom Robinson was accused of raping a white woman. Back in the days, it was illegal for a black man to offer his service to a white woman because they considered it to be rape. Atticus has told scout this many times and has also told her that even though he’s not going to win the case because Tom is a Negro. Even though Atticus knows that he’s going to lose the case, he still decides to defend Robinson because “the main reason is, if I did not I could not hold up my head in town, I could not represent this country in the legislature, I could not even tell you or Jem not to do something again." Atticus also believes that everyone should be treated the same no matter what skin tone they have. I think that people would do this today because racism isn’t as bad as it was before. I believe that someone would stand up for anybody in a trial no matter what skin tone they have or what race they are from.

  25. In the novel, “To Kill a Mocking Bird” talks about how scouts father (Atticus) gets offered to get case in which he must defend a Tom Robinson a black guy who is accused of rapping a white woman. Atticus has two choices and that is to refuse the offer or to do it; knowing that he will get a lot of bad comments he still accepted it. The novel takes place in the time of The Great Depression which was a bad time in which there was a lot of segregation was taking place which made it easier to accuse a black man for things that are not true. I think the reason Atticus did not only do this to do what he felt was right but to also to show his kids that to not be afraid to stand up for what they believe is right and by doing this he can show them. If I were Atticus I would do the same because what I see that no one would stand up for what they believe because they want to go with the crowd. I think that the decision that Atticus made will affect later in the story by maybe letting people see that they don’t need to be following the crowd.
    Jairo Mendez

  26. In the novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, Scout is used as a point of view for the readers, because she is sought out to be as an innocent take in the life of a horrible town, while using experiences that Harper Lee had as a child dealing with The Great Depression. Specific scenes showing such innocence would be when Scout was too ignorant to understand a situation. For example, when she first started school Scout was instantly put to shame all because she was too intelligent for the level of knowledge being taught. This would then show the reader that for not being able to read the situation that was arising with her teacher, Miss Caroline, Scout had just earned herself a spot in the corner a serious lecture on when to learn. Another point given is when names are passed around without a care like how the kids would call Atticus a n***** lover and no one would actually even know what it meant. And there again is another reasoning of how innocently ignorant Scout and, actually, many of the kids were. This just goes to show that even Scout, a highly educated individual, did not know what harmful speech is.
    -John Flores

  27. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the author Harper Lee chose to begin the novel with trying to make Boo Radley come out to describe what the goal of the kids was. Jem, Dill, and Scout heard stories and were curious of Boo Radley. Until one night they decided to make Boo Radley come out, "Dill and Jem were simply going to peep in the window with the loose shutter to see if they could get a look of Boo Radley ." (69) They had never caught a glimpse of Boo and they had already planned how they were going to. However, the three of them got themselves into danger that night when Mr. Nathan Radley pulled the trigger of a shotgun and nearly missed the kids. As they escaped, Jem's pants were stuck onto the fence. After the chaos settled down in the neighborhood he returned for his pants so that it seemed as if he was never at the Radley house. The theme that the author is trying to convey is that people aren't always fully aware of the consequences that there actions may cost. Harper Lee is showing how people make mistakes and that you have to learn from them because eventually you must move past them. - Beatriz Sanchez

  28. Atticus decided to defend Tom Robinson, even though he knew he couldn’t win
    because Atticus said “The main reason is, if I didn't hold up my head in the town couldn't represent this country in the legislature couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again.(100)" Basically, he is saying that if he didn't stand up for this have then he would consider himself as a give-up. Even though Atticus knows he cannot do it he will still give it a try. If you think about it, is the question asking us if we would stand up for a black man because he is black or is it standing up for something that is right but you know it won’t happen. I think that a person will stand up for a black man because we are almost all equal but I don’t think that many people will stand up for something when it goes agents everything that the people around then believe in. Atticus believes that it is not right for tom to lose automatically because he is black, and he is not going to let tom do this himself. Not many people are willing to do this, no not most people would do this these days.

  29. In the novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird", the author, Harper Lee, states that Atticus says, "...if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again.(100)" Essentially, Atticus was trying to say that his intentions were not to defend Tom, then he would not feel dull of any kind of respect, for he would not be able to esteem himself. This is the reasoning why Atticus tries to defend Tom even though he knows that he could not win the case at all. However, nowadays, people are the have different opinions and take a stand on opposing sides. They care for no body but themselves and only themselves. They would probably say that they would to make themselves look good, but realistically, they would not even try to make a difference. These days people are so egotistical, they would not even go out of their way to save another persons' life or to do anything to help another person feel or be better. It is only when they are at risk that they expect for someone to do what they did not even bother to think about to do to another person. - Daniel Lorenzo

  30. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Atticus states that the reason he is defending Tom Robinson, who has the odds against him, is,"...if i didn't i couldn't hold up my head in this town,I couldn't represent this country in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again"(100). Basically he's saying that if he doesn't set the example of fighting for what he believes in then nothing that he'd do or say in the future would be legit in others eyes. Many people nowadays would not defend someone who had the odds against them because it would taint their reputation. Moreover, they would also not defend someone with the odss against them if others did not see eye to eye with them. However, Atticus is not one to let others dictate what he should and shouldn't do and he stands for what is right, even if others do not agree with him. It is nice to be right about some things but it is more admirable if you fight for whats right and lose. At least you tried just like Atticus is trying to prove Tom Robinson innocent.

    1. I agree with you because many people nowadays care more about there reputation than helping other people just to kind, people shouldn't care about what other people say and help each other and be kind to each other because they will also need that person help one day but that person might not want to help them because of what they did to not ruin there reputation

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  33. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the reason why atticus takes the case because he truly believes that all men and women are created equal. If Atticus wouldn't have taken the case he said,"I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again"(100).Atticus is basically setting an example to his children to show them that everyone deserves a chance no matter what their skin color is. I think that people would not do this today because, the way things are going on right now all people are becoming more racist and will not defend a black man in trial. However, some people might disagree with me and say that some people today will take the case because, some people today are not like other people who are racist and will not take the case because they will be straight up about it and tell them that they will not win the case and they will go to jail or prison and serve their time for their actions that they did to get them in trouble in the first place. -Joseph Flores

  34. In the novel "To Kill A Mocking Bird", by Harper Lee, Atticus has to defend Tom Robinson, a colored man in the court for being accused of raping a white women even though he knows he can not win the case he still does it. In the story Atticus stated, "If i didn't i couldn't hold up my head in this town, I couldn't represent this country in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again"(100). Basically what the author is trying to say is that if Atticus wasn't to defend this man Tom Robinson in the court he would lose respect for himself and he would be humiliated and even though the people of Maycomb don't show much respect towards Atticus he'll lose even more respect for himself. However, I think people nowadays would still defend him but not because of the same reason Atticus which was for respect and his own good. But they wouldn't do it for themselves they would do it for the money nowadays all people care about is money they don't care about their appearance or how they approach other people.

  35. ( continued ) but most people nowadays would also do it because nowadays people aren't as racist as they were back then and people don't really care who they're defending they'll try their hardest because it's part of their job. - Andy Aguayo

  36. In the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird " by Harper Lee, Atticus is put on the case of Tom Robinson, a negro who has been accused of rape. Back in the 1930s, blacks had to follow very unfair laws. Atticus knew this and he also knew that Tom Robinson had no chance at winning. I like how he knew Tom wasn't going to win the case but he still accepted the offer to be his lawyer. Especially since he was putting so much at risk in doing so. When Scout asks him why he is doing it, he says, "the main reason is, if I did not I could not hold up my head in town, I could not represent this country in the legislature, I could not even tell you or Jem not to do something again" (100). People these days probably would do something like this because now people believe more in equality. Since our world is slowly becoming more equal, instead of just having a lawyer, people would be protesting outside of the courthouse and maybe even police offices. Also, since people band together nowadays when they believe in something, not only will their voices be heard, but the chances of someone like Tom Robinson winning a case will be very high. ~ Kathy Zacarias


  37. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, we discovered that the narrator’s father, Atticus, is a lawyer. He is assigned a case to defend Tom Robinson, a black male accused of raping a white female. In their time, it was highly wrong to even offer any sort of help or even greet a white person if you were colored. Since he has the case, we assume that Atticus believes in justice. He thinks that everyone should be treated equally and fair. In chapter 9, Atticus and Scout have a little conversation on why he decided to keep the case and defend him. On page 100, he explains, “ … the main one is, if I didn’t I couldn’t hold my head up in town, I couldn’t represent this country in legislature, I couldn’t even tell you and Jem to do something again.” In other words, Atticus was trying to say that if he did not even attempt to defend him, it would be as if he harmed his integrity. Atticus was a very dedicated and modest man that still took on the case even though, he knew there was no chance in winning. Today, I believe that people put themselves and their pride before anything or anyone else. Therefore, people in this time do not have the same mentality as Atticus.
    -Lizbeth Mendoza

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  39. In the novel " To kill a Mocking Bird" the author, Harper lee, explains that Atticus was defending a black man in court even though he knew he would lose. The man was being accused of rape. I believe Atticus is trying to do the right thing and not make a decision based on the looks or skin of others. To me, the author made Atticus to be a man that earns a lot of respect and gives a lot of respect. Atticus states "...if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again". He was trying to say that if he didn't take the case then he would be humiliated, even though many people would still make fun of him, he took the case. I think many people today would say they would defend a man being accused of rape, but in reality they wouldn't. Very few people would have the courage to defend a man in this situation with the slight chance that he might be innocent. The factor of his skin color would not count towards a lawyers decision today but the criminals actions might.-Eduardo Reyes


  40. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, one of the main character Atticus says, “...if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again.”(100). In other words, Atticus is saying that if he did not take on this case, then he would feel like he was not a respectable man, he would not feel respect, not even for himself. That is why Atticus decided to defend Tom Robinson, even though he knew for a fact that they would not be able to win the case. Nowadays, people do not care about anyone, and in some cases, they do not really even care about themselves. Some lawyers nowadays takes cases just so they can look like a nice person, or for the attention the case might get. The complete opposite of Atticus. People are so arrogant nowadays, they do not go slightly out of their way to do something so small that can change people's lives. They only care when they are in trouble or need help. They expect people to do something for them that they did not even try to do for others.

  41. Trinity Martinez: In the novelast entitled "To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee she asserts the situations that were happening in trial against Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson was going to be charged with rape and beating a white woman named Mayella Ewell. Mayella Ewell confirmed to the judge in the trial that Bob Ewell had raped and best her. The defendant, Atticus was a white man defending a black man. Atticus was defending Tom even though everyone knew Atticus and Tom Robinson were going to lose the case.

  42. Although Atticus knew he would not win the case with Tom Robinson, he still defended Tom for what he did not do. In the book "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee, Atticus calmly questions Tom and doesn't call him boy or the n word. " Tom, did she ever speak to you?(255)" Atticus questioned Tom without saying boy but by calling his first name. He thought that if he tried to win the case that the white people would see that the black people are just like them but of a different race.-Elly Murillo

  43. In the case of Tom Robinson,Atticus decided to defend he even though he knew it would be a taboo in that time. He knew that it was the right this to do and that if he didn't do this case he would lose all self-respect for himself and he could make his kids have respect for him if he did't so this. Chapter 9 states " The main reason is, if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this country in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again" showing how important this case is to Atticus
