Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Eng 1 Honors Blog 2 TKMB

Choose a scene or quote from Chapter 15-18 and write your opinion about it. You can agree or disagree with the quote or events, you can explain how it relates to you or to today's world, or you can compare it to another work of literature or a movie. Make sure to begin with T.A.G. and a brief summary of what is happening in the scene. (200+ words) due by Thursday 2/23/17.


  1. In the book, "To Kill a Mockingbird",by Harper Lee, Mr. Heck Tate states, in chapter 17, "It was her right eye[...]" that was all bruised up. He was referring to Mayella Violet Ewell, who earlier had accused Tom Robinson of rapping her. Evidence shows, that the only way that she could get a black eye on the right side of her face, was if someone left handed had struck her. Also, in her testimony, she says that Tom Robinson "choked her and took advantage of her". However, Tom Robinson is crippled. He can not use his left arm, for it is almost a foot shorter than his right. The reason that he has this deformity is because, when he was a little boy, he got it stuck in a cotton gin and almost bled to death. Therefore, it is physically impossible for Tom to do either of the things that he is accused of. I believe that this gives enough evidence to prove Tom Robinson is innocent. In contrast, Mr. Ewell is left handed. Moreover, Mayella says that her father is tolerable except for when he is drinking. Due to the fact that he is almost always drunk, I also believe that this is enough evidence to prove Mr. Ewell is guilty of abusive conduct towards Mayella Ewell.

    1. I agree with you Juliet when you say that it is physically impossible for Tom to do either of the things he was accused of because he wouldn't have been able to hold her down, beat and rape her with just one hand all while she was allegedly kicking and screaming. Eventually she would have been able to knock him off her despite Mr. Gilmer saying that Tom would have been able to do so when he questioned him. I also agree that it's a possibility that Mr. Ewell is the one who beat Mayella because he is left handed and Mayella was beat on the right side of her face meaning that someone who is left handed would have beat her and Tom basically has no left hand. That someone could be Bob Ewelle. He has two fully working hands and way more strength than Tom.

    2. @Juleiet, i agree with you and you have a very valid opinion in thinking that Tom is innocent. In the book it says that Mayella attacks Tom and yes it is true.Back then white women were always protected by lava, and she probably thought she was going to get away with it. Now in days many aspects of a person play a role in there case such as ethnicity, social status, sexual orientation, and economic status. In a court room you should always here both parties and jurie. However you must present facts and evidence that the person whom is being accused of the crime to be true. I fully agree with you.- Dlorenzo13

    3. I agree completely with what Juliet Valenzuela’s assessment of the Tom Robinson trial. She is very factual in showing that Tom Robinson is undeniably guilty. She also goes on to say that the guilty culprit is most likely the victim’s father, Bob Ewell. Juliet also uses textual evidence to inforce and prove her previous statements. However the one and only flaw I found with the writing in her blog post, was she never connected it to a life experience, or made any predictions. Her blog post was one hundred percent only fact. That being said I agreed with everything she wrote.

    4. I agree with Juliet's claim about the Tom Robinson case. It would have been physically impossible for him to be the one to have abused Mayella Ewell. All evidence proves that Tom Robinson is innocent. Going off of the evidence that Juliet shows evidence shows that is was in fact Bob Ewell that has abused Mayella. All the facts that Juliet presented and valid and true. Proving Tom Robinson's innocence.

  2. In the novel” To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee, Lee states in chapter 17, “scout notices that jem is excited, and he whispers that they’ve got him now, but scout doesn’t get it; Tom Robinson might be left handed and from where she’s sitting he certainly looks strong enough to have beaten up Mayella”.In addition Ewell said that she was in the floor and she was screaming like a hog and saw Robinson running out the door, he wanted to chase him but he was more focused in Mayella. Specifically, Lee is trying to say that Jem is excited because it turns out that Mr.Ewell is left handed and where Mayella got hit was in the right side. Tom Robinson couldn’t have hit her because he was cripple on his left hand and if he would have hit her with his right hand she would have gotten a black eye on the left side of her face not on the right. This scene is related to a trial in June 7, 2016 because tom Robinson and Brian Banks both were accused of raping someone even though they didn’t do it. So in my opinion they were accused because of their race, people throughout history were and still are racist.-CRISTIAN A.

    1. I completely agree what Cristian wrote that "Mr.Ewell is left handed and Mayella has a black eye on the right side so a left handed most hit her and Tom Ribbons on has a cripple arm that is his left arm." It's still true what Christian wrote that people are still racist to this day,throughout history, and people that want to change. I really like how you use Brian Banks to compare with Tom Robinson because they have the same skin color and accused of raping someone even they did not do it.

    2. I agree with what Cristian wrote about the Tom Robinson trial. It is physically impossible to Tom Robinson to have raped Mayella Ewell. His left arm was injured years before this incident happened and all marks on Mayella was on her right side. With his arm there's no way that he could have been the one to leave all those marks on Mayella. The person who raped Mayella had to be left handed. In the trial Bob Ewell was shown to be left handed which is very uncommon . Proving that Tom Robinson is innocent. However in that time period there was a very low chance that he would be set free because of racism. Even though all evidence proves Tom innocence

  3. Leonel Sanchez: In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, in chapter 18 Magella Violet Ewell walked to the witness stand. Magellan says that Tom Robinson rape her. In my head how did Tom Robinson rape Magellan if he has a mess up arm that is his left arm if it's mess up he could not rape her. What was interesting to me when Magella saw Robert Ewell in the room just standing over her when hollerin' who done it, who done it? When a different story in chapter 17 Mr.Ewell said "I seen that black ... yonder ruttin' on my Mayella!" But why his he saying in chapter 18 who done it if he saw it through the window. So Robert Ewell is lying that he dropped the load and run up the the window and saw Tom Robinson. It was so amazing that Atticus did to Robert Ewell to write his name when he did Atticus saw that he is a lefthanded and his daughter has a black eye on the right so someone that is lefthanded must have hit her but Tom Robinson could not have done it because his email hand is mess up. Atticus was making Magellan to tell the truth when see said " No, I do not recollect if he hit me. I mean yes I do, he hit me." So it's not Tom Robinson that hit her I predict it was Robert Ewell with all the clues that Atticus gathered.

    1. I agree with you, Leonel Sanchez that Tom Robinson couldn’t be the one who raped mayella because he had a messed up left arm. In addition, you can also state that During the trial mayella was very nervous when they called her up to witness and stated that she couldn’t recollect that Tom Robinson was the one who raped her, even though it was her father, she then said she remembered that it was Tom. After while Atticus asked her some questions and said Miss Mayela she got mad that Atticus was picking on her, even though that is very nice of Atticus, you figure that Mayella is not educated.

    2. Pablo Salazar:
      Leonel Sanchez, I agree with everything you stated in your blog. Bob could have been the one who hit Mayella, because of all of the clues that were gathered. Tom could be innocent because he is crippled on his left arm. Tom is also backed up by his boss and Atticus which know he did not do it. I think the clue that gave it away was the way Mayella Ewell spoke. She stuttered and struggled to answer questions Atticus asked her. Another clue that that can find Robinson innocent is that everyone who went up had different stories. The Ewells needed to get their lies together before they went to court. Overall I agree with your statement.

  4. In the novel, in chapter 18, “Kill a Mockingbird”, by Harper Lee Atticus askes Mr. Robinson if he can stand up for Mayella can get a good look at him and confess that he was in fact the guy who raped her.But when he got up Jem noticed that his left hand was fully twelve inches’ shoulder than his right hand. That for me was enough proof that he did not rape Mayella but Atticus did not get to the point and say what happened to Tom Robinson when he was little. What happened to him when he was a boy was that he got caught in a cotton gin which where his muscles were all torn loose from his bones so basically, he left arm was not capable of doing anything. But in chapter 17 Mr. Tate and Mr. Ewell both testify that Mayella had gotten a black eye on her right eye but it’s not possible that Mr. Robinson did because to do that he would need his left arm which he cannot use. But for some reason I believe that they will do anything to try to accuse Tom Robinson of beating up and raping Mayella.

    1. I completely agree with you about how it is highly unlikely that Tom Robinson had beat and raped Mayella Ewell with one arm that is 1 foot shorter than the other . The fact that Bob Ewell is a left-handed person and Mayella was beat on her right side really made me wonder. It would be difficult for a right handed person to beat another person on the right side of their face. Another thing that was interesting was that neither Bob Ewell or Mr. Tate called a doctor based and how hurt she was described by the two when this incident occured. Mr. Gilmer and Bob Ewell expressed themselves poorly and downgraded Tom Robinson, It seems as if they can not get pass the fact that that Tom Robinson is negro. Even with a dysfunctional arm they suggested unlikely scenarios that may have happened the night Mayella Ewell was attacked.

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    3. I agree with with your statement of Tom Robinson being not guilty, Jairo Mendez. However, the jury wasn't going to declare Tom Robinson innocent because of his disability I know this is your opinion but you have to consider the fact that back then people weren't as lenient as people are nowadays. Because he was a black man Atticus would have to make a lot of points and have lots of evidence in order for Tom to be innocent. Both cases had many reasons why Tom should be innocent or guilty. Everyone in Maycomb knew of Tom Robinsons disability but because he was a black man they felt no empathy for him and would still have him convicted with disability or not, the author gives lots of evidence on why he could be guilty but also gives many reasons why he's innocent. - Andy Aguayo

    4. I agree with Jairo that they will do anything to accuse Tom Robinson, however Atticus was already getting the truth out of Mayella so they might believe part of Tom Robinson's story.

  5. In the book, “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee, Mr. Tate explains how he finds Mayella Violet beaten up. “It was the night of November twenty-first. I was just leaving my office to go home when Mr. Ewell came in, very excited he was, and said get out to his house quick, some Negro’s raped his girl.” Heck stated during court. Basically, they were accusing a colored man without gathering evidence which is racism. I believe that back then, people that were of a different race did not have the justice and tolerance that is attempted to be practiced today. They also stated that Mayella was beaten up on the right side of her face, Tom Robinson would have had to use his left arm but his left arm became crippled after it got caught in a machine. This means that Tom Robinson could not have done it because how can you hold down a person and beat them up with one hand, so this means he is innocent. Mr. Ewell and Mr. Tate both thought that Tom Robinson raped and beaten up Mayella Violet but maybe Mayella lied about Tom doing those things to her. This is why racism was a huge thing back then and today.-Elly Murillo

  6. Pablo Salazar:

    In the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”, by Harper Lee, in chapter 18 ,Tom Robinson is accused of rape. Atticus uses his intelligence and evidence to prove Tom Robinson’s innocence. He asked Bob Ewell to write his name and everyone witnessed that he was left-handed. Therefore people knew that he could be the one that hurt his daughter. This scene reminds me of the O.J. Simpson case. O.J. is accused for the murder of his wife. There are many clues that show that he murdered his wife. There was one piece of evidence that helped O.J. prove his innocence. The glove that was found at the scene did not fit him. This caused him to be found not guilty. Other factors that helped O.J. Simpson were race wealth and fame. In this scene with Tom Robinson it is the opposite, race is one of the reasons why they accused him of rape. In this scene Atticus also shows bravery by standing up for Robinson, when everyone else pointed the finger at him for being black. This reminds me of Martin Luther King Jr..He showed bravery for standing up for human rights and justice. Atticus is doing nearly the same thing Martin Luther King Jr. did, stand up for what is right.

    1. I agree with you Pablo but you just needed to add that Tom Robinson as a cripple arm so that he could not rape Mayella with just one arm. The rest I really like how you use O.J. Simpson case that he murdered his wife and the clue that prove him innocent was the glove that shrink and did not fit his hand. I also like that Pablo compared that when Mr.Ewell pointed at that black men that was Tom Robinson and Tom is guilty because he is black compared with Martin Luther King Jr. And Atticus.

    2. Pablo, I agree with your response. I really liked your use of examples and comparisons. The very famous O.J. Simpson case has important factors to utilize for comparison with To Kill a Mockingbird. In the O.J. Simpson case, the one part that proved his innocence was the glove that he tried on and did not fit. This led to call O.J. not guilty. In the novel, this can be compared to when Atticus asks Bob Ewell to print his name and points out that he is left-handed. This, along with other testimonies, demonstrates Tom’s innocence. I would like to see you include more on Tom’s perspective and thoroughly evaluate him more. Overall, your response looks great, has a good flow to it, and is well written.

    3. I somewhat agree with Pablo Salazar's blog post, that being said I found several minor flaws in his post. One thing I agree with is that Atticus does show several similar characteristics with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Some of these characteristics include courage, and perseverance, and strength. I can also agree that several details o Tom Robinson’s case resemble the famous case of O.J. Simpson. One resemblance is of course race. O.J., may have been accused of murder because he is black however, unlike Tom Robinson's case there was substantial evidence that Siptson did it. The main thing I disagree with Pablo on is that he showed absolutely no textual evidence.

    4. I completely agree with Pablo because Atticus doesn't care about but of justice and he was just defending his client.

    5. Pablo I agree with your statement. What I like about your statement is the way you put examples to back up what you said. The OJ Simpson case is a perfect example because even though they both have so much evidence to back each other up but the judge does not really pay attention to it. In the case of OJ Simpson they had so much evidence for him to be convicted but just by one small thing he was found not guilty. The same thing happens with Atticus and Tom Robinson whether they had all the evidence they needed for Tom Robinson to be innocent one small thing could change the whole thing. I also like how you compared Martin Luther King Jr. to Atiicus because they both stood up for what they belived in.

  7. In the passage “To kill a Mocking Bird” , by Harper Lee, the author, cross-examines the reader mind in chapter 17 by making us basically be the jury for the Tom Robinson’s case. She is very liniant on the clues she gives the reader. How? She gives many examples that would suppose that tom is guilty but also slowly gives us hints that support tom in not being guilty. One example of this is when sheriff Heck, a supposed eye witness, is stating the injuries that he saw on Mayella, however Heck wasn’t to sure himself where the injuries were so this specifically made the reader start interrogating the story. Another example that leans more to the non-guilty side is that Mayella was striked in the ride of her which means the attacker had to be left-handed. Atticus makes Ewell sign his signature on a piece of paper and it so how happens that mister Ewell himself is left-handed. This is important because Tom is incapable of striking Mayella because he is handy-capped from his left arm . When he was younger he his left arm got stuck inside a cotton gin which caused his muscles to get torn loose from his bones. My theory as of now is that Ewell, Mayella’s father, is the one who caused her harm but Mayella is afraid to speack up and tell the truth.

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  10. In the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”, by Harper Lee, in chapter 17 ,Tom Robinson is now in the court for his case of being accused of raping and assaulting Mayella Ewell. Atticus is Tom Robinsons lawyer and uses his knowledge and tries to find evidence that Mr. Robinson is indeed not guilty. Atticus finds out information and discovers that Mayella has been beaten on her right side of the face. After finding that out Atticus then asks Mr.Ewell (Mayellas Father) some questions and looks further into his side of the story. In the novel Atticus asks "Mr. Ewell, can you read and write?"(236). After asking he then gets permission from the judge to allow Mr. Ewell to write his name on a envelope. During the process of Mr. Ewell writing his name on the envelope, Judge Taylor then states, " Your left handed, Mr Ewell,..."(237). Atticus then reminds the readers that Mayella was beaten up on the right side of the face and Tom Robinson has a disfunctional left arm. What Atticus is trying to say is that if Mayella got beaten up on her right side of the face a person would have to assault her with their left hand, this being a reason why Tom Robinson could be innocent. This also means it would've been really difficult for Tom Robinson to "rape" Mayella for he has not a lot of power with his disability on his left arm. Atticus also confronts Mr. Ewell about not calling a doctor after the incident. Atticus is really using his knowledge to find out evidence and prove that Tom Robinson isn't guilty. Atticus then makes the jury think that maybe it was Mr. Ewell that assaulted Mayella his own daughter. This could be true, nowadays some people are being physically abused and won't tell anyone about it or even lie about it because they're scared to confess . The author is really convincing and supports us with ideas to think that Tom Robinson could be guilty or innocent. People nowadays think like Atticus and try to find out very detailed evidence of things people wouldn't even imagine. Nowadays some cases are really unfair because of racism and a lot of people get away with lots of things. In my opinion I think Tom Robinson is innocent. -Andy Aguayo

    1. Andy, I strongly agree with your statements stating that Tom Robinson is only right handed because his left arm was stuck in a cotton gin and been disabled since he was only twelve years old, during the story tom Robinson is told that if he is strong enough to cut up a chifforobe, that he should be strong enough to knock a female unconscious. I also believe that a left-handed person can still be able to hit the left side of the face, Tom Robinson could have punched meyella purposely on the right side of the face to cover up that it was him.

  11. In the novel "To Kill A Mocking Bird", by Harper Lee, Chapter 17, The court trial of Tom Robinson being accused of rape towards Mayella Ewell and says quote "He beat her up like that, she said yes had. If he took advantage of her she said yes."(223) It also says that they did not call a doctor at all. Now lets pause right there and ask why did they not call a doctor if they knew she was beat up and raped like that. In my opinion I feel like if they called the doctor, the doctor would've figured out if Tom Robinson actually raped Mayella in the first place. It also says "Mayella Ewell's was hit in her right eye."(225) Atticus then realizes that Tom Robinson cannot use his left arm so if her right eye was "hit" it had to be someone else that hit her so it would be impossible for Tom Robinson to beat up and rape Mayella Ewell. So in my opinion I believe Tom Robinson is not guilty. ~ Ricky Marvin Albay

    1. I agree with you Ricky with mayella being guilty but I would like to add on that she also seems nervous in the court room when atticus ask's her all the questions he had for her.In the thoses questions that atticus asked mayella,mayella didn't answer it or she call the judge atticus that was attcking her.

    2. I agree with you when you say that Tom Robinson is not guilty. However, you said that they should've called the doctor to make sure. Although this is a good point, you must remember that Bob Ewell explained why he didn't call the doctor. At first he said he didn't see any need to call the doctor because he knew she had been beat up. Later though he said that he didn't call the doctor because then they would've charged him. Since the Ewells seem to be struggling with money, it makes sense that he did not want to pay.

  12. In a passage from the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, is telling us about a jury trial that involves a “rape” involving a black man, Tom Robinson and a young white female, Meyella Violet Ewell. In this trial, Tom Robinson has been accused of beating and raping Meyella Ewell. Meyella had bruises on her right eye and her arms, However Tom Robinson was crippled. As a child, Tom Robinson was working with a cotton gin until his arm got stuck and almost died from losing to much blood. Since Tom Robinsons left arm is useless, Atticus asked Bob if he knew how to write his name and Bob Ewell responds with a yes. As Bob is writing his name, Atticus calls him out for being left handed. If a person were to hit someone and they are left handed, the would usually hit the right side of a person’s face hence the reason why Atticus told Bob to write him name down. In my opinion, Bob Ewell should have been guilty but the jury is to racist and doesn’t want to convict a white man. Later on the guards shot Tom Robinson 17so he doesn’t “escape” but the only reason why they shot him was because he is a black man.

    1. I agree with you, Jose Ramirez that Bob Ewell should be the guilty one and should be the one taking charge, however I also disagree because the jury can convict a white man over the colored man because it is the law, he could have already sated that Tom was innocent, but Mayela kept on saying that it was him. Also, they are trying to keep it professional even though Bob Ewell isn’t when he was raged over supposedly Tom raping the White woman while there is some evidence over why Tom is innocent and Bob is the one who is guilty.

    2. I agree with you, Jose on the fact that Tom Robinson isn't guilty. However, just because Bob Ewell is left handed doesn't mean he's automatically guilty in order for Bob Ewell to be guilty they need more evidence to find out why Bob Ewell should be guilty which is why Atticus further investigates and asks more questions. I also disagree on the claim that " the jury doesn't want to convict a white man". The jury can convict a white man but they must have reasoning which in this case if Atticus can prove he's guilty with more evidence they can convict him. Case in point, they're are many reason and evidence how Bob Ewell could be guilty but there are also many claims that make the readers think maybe even Tom Robinson is guilty. -Andy Aguayo

    3. I agree with Jose’s opinion being that the clues add up to Bob Ewell being the person who harmed and took advantage of Mayella Ewell . Like Jose I believe that Bob is the only other possible person that could’ve hurt Mayella. Why would Bob even be a suspect? Well, because the fact that Mayella was striked on the right side of her face and Mr. Ewell happens to be left-handed. This proves Tom innocent because Tom is crippled from his left hand due to an accident when he was younger. This is the reason that I approve of Jose’s opinion.

  13. In the novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, by Harper Lee, in chapter 18 she describes the trial in which Mayella Ewell was being prosecuted by Atticus Finch. Mayella’s personality can be shown by the way she speaks towards Atticus and the jury. Mayella seems to be offended every time Atticus calls her “ma’am” and “miss mayella”, this may be because she hardly ever has company and nobody speaks to her with much respect. “No, I don’t recollect if he hit me. I mean yes I do, he hit me “(248) During the trial she was asked a question and answered as if she wasn’t sure. It seems as if she is telling the story the way she wants it to be told or telling a story that never occurred. Mayella Ewell pauses throughout the trial to sob or accuse Atticus of offending her. After a while, the jury seems to be tired of it. I believe that her actions show that the reason she accused Tom Robinson of rape was for another reason that had nothing to do with him hurting her. It may have been she was only looking for attention or somebody else hurt her and she used Tom Robinson to take the blame.

    1. I agree with you when you say that she used Tom Robinson to either get attention or to use him because some body else hurt her. However, I believe that her not being used to people calling her ma’am” and “miss mayella” is false because Tom Robinson stated that he called her ma’am” and “miss mayella" everytime he went over. Although we can not be sure whether or not Tom was telling the truth. In addition, we can not be sure whether Mayella is telling the truth either because she contradicted herself when she said "No, I don't recollect if he hit me. i mean yes i do, he hit me."

    2. I agree with you, Beatriz Sanchez, when you say that Mayella Ewell seems like she is telling a story, It seems like she does not know what she is going to say next, or how to answer the next question that she may be asked to answer. I also agree with you that it may be someone else that is in fact hurting her. I would like to add that It may be Bob Ewell that is hurting his daughter, Mayella, I came to this assumption considering all of the evidence, like how Bob Ewell is left-handed and all of her beatings have occurred on her right side. The accused Tom Robinson is crippled in his left arm and is not able to use his left arm. Therefore Tom Robinson was not able to rape, strangle and beat up Mayella with just his right arm, making it look like he used his left arm.

    3. I completely agree with you Beatriz when you say that the reason that Mayella believed Atticus was mocking her when he called her ma’ma or miss Mayella was because she had never experienced that respect before. I honestly feel bad for her. She has to take care of all those kids, clean the house and deal with her abusive father. That takes a toll on a woman. At first when she was telling her part of the story of when Tom allegedly beat and raped her and was crying so much I did not understand why. However, afterwards I realized that the reason she is probably crying so much is because maybe she feels bad about having to lie about Tom Robinson’s actions but knowing and fearing of what would happen if she told the truth.

  14. In the novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird”, by Harper Lee, Mr. Heck Tate states, in chapter 17, "It was her right eye…" that was bruised up by Tom Robinsons punches when he tried to rape he. He was referring to Mayella Elwell, Mayella accused Tom Robinson of rapping her. Relabel evidence shows that the only way that she could get a black eye on the right side of her face, was if someone right handed had puncher and had successfully bruised her. But in conclusion Tom is later known as left handed and one of his hands are disabled. Also, in her testimony, she says that Tom Robinson "choked her and took advantage of her". Nevertheless, Tom Robinson is crippled, so he could not perform such called event. He cannot use his left arm, so Tom could have not used his arm to coke her or rape her. The reason that he has this deformity is because, when he was a little boy, he got it stuck in a cotton gin and almost bled to death, but he managed to successfully detach it. Hence, it is substantially impossible for Tom to do either of the things that he is accused of and be able to escape. I believe that this gives enough evidence to prove Tom Robinson is innocent and that he should not be accountable for any untruthful doings which he did not commit. In contrast, Mr. Ewell is left handed, so he could have miss handled Mayella, Mayella later says that her father is bearable except for when he is drinking. Due to the fact that he is practically always tanked-up, I also accept as true that this is enough evidence to prove Mr. Ewell is guilty of abusive behavior in the direction to Mayella Ewell and trying to have Tom take the blame.

    1. I agree with Daniel that Tom Robinson did not rape or abuse Mayella Ewell. That it was Mr.Ewell that had given Mayella all of the bruises that she had. However, I disagree with him when he said, "Reliable evidence shows that the only way that she could get a black eye on the right side of her face, was if someone right handed had punched her and had successfully bruised her." Someone left handed had to have hit her, not right handed. It would be much easier to punch someone on the right side of the face of you are left handed, rather than right handed. In addition, it was not Tom Robinson that was later known as left handed,it was Bob Ewell.

    2. I completely agree with you Daniel when you say that Tom Robinson did not abuse Mayella. However, I disagree with your statement that says, “... the only way she could get a black eye on the right side of her face, was if someone right-handed had punched her and successfully busied her.” I believe the correct way or what you meant to say was that someone left-handed would have to strike her on her right side. Furthermore, we come to a conclusion that Mr. Ewell is indeed left-handed. In addition to this,as you stated in your response, Tom Robinson is evidently crippled making his left arm invalid.

  15. In the novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, In chapter 17, where the trial is taking place, the sheriff of Maycomb, also known as Mr. Heck Tate is called up for testimony. He states, “Well I can tell you why I didn’t. It wasn’t necessary, Mr.Finch. She was mighty banged up. Something happened, it was obvious.” This was his response to Atticus after he was asked why there was no doctor called when he found Mayella Ewell beaten up. Atticus then goes on and questions the injuries Mr.Tate saw on Mayella. After several clarifications, Mr.Tate emphasizes that she was attacked on the right side of her body. Furthermore, the details led us to conclude that the only way someone was able to damage the right side was if she was struck by someone who is left-handed. Mr. Tom Robinson, the one accused of committing all of this, is disabled. When he was young, his arm was caught in a cotton gin causing his left arm to be shorter than his right arm. Which means that he was clearly unable to attack the girl on her right side. To me, this could be the evidence that proves he is not guilty. Later on, while Robert Ewell gives his testimony, Atticus decides to ask him if he can read and write. Robert says he most certainly can. Atticus makes him print his first and last name. After he does, Atticus points out that he is left-handed. In my opinion, this can mean that Mr.Robert Ewell could be the one who injured his own daughter. Today, some trials are unfair because factors like race,wealth, and fame can affect the outcome.

    1. Pablo Salazar:
      Lizbeth, I agree with your opinion. Many cases today are unfair because of those exact reasons you stated, race, wealth, and fame. In your blog, I feel you needed to add examples of the unfair cases. One example I used in my blog is the OJ Simpson case. This case shows the power of wealth and fame. A very big factor that also affected the case was race which is also a big factor in the Tom Robinson case in the novel. Many other examples can relate to this scene and subject. Overall I agree with your statement.

    2. I strongly agree with you saying that some trials today can be unfair because of fame, money, skin color, and even race but I also disagree with you saying that Tom Robinson couldn’t attack Meyella on her right side because he was disabled from his left arm. The reason I think that Tom Robinson could have still punched her on the right side of the face is because Tom Robinson could have purposely punched her on her right side so he can make people think that he didn’t do it. This could have all been a cover up from Tom Robinson

    3. I agree with you Lizbeth the reason is because people do an advantage or a disadvantage whether of their race, wealth, and fame. There are some cases of that today and a perfect example is the OJ Simpson case after one small piece of evidence the made the jury decide that he was not guilty. No matter how much evidence they had on him, the piece of evidence that decided if he was guilty was the glove that was found in the car. When they told him to put it on the glove didn't fit. But after they decided him not guilty they later considered that the glove must have shrunk do to the blood on the amount of blood that it had. But I do agree that how much power or fame they have they will get an advantage and if they might be a different race or are poor they will get a disadvantage.

    4. @Lizbeth, i agree with you and you have a very valid opinion. No in days many aspects of a person play a role in there case such as ethnicity, social status, sexual orientation, and economic status. In your blob post you clearly expressed you point of view in the case part of To Kill A Mockingbird, perfect no need for more. However they would not do things by what the testimonies have to say. I would not be convinced if I were a judge. I as a person I need actual evidence, indicating that the person whom is being accused is actually reliable for the attempted charge. Your response was nicely discussed and excels all the points of the chapter, I fully agree with you. - Dlorenzo13

    5. I agree with Lizbeth because nowadays justice is not fair with the race of that person.

  16. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper lee, Mr. Heck Tate states, in chapter 17, "It was her right eye ..." that was bruised up by Tom Robinson punches when I tried to rape her. Mr. Tate was the officer at the time when the accident occurred. Mayella Euwell was the girl who then raped and accused Tom Robinson for doing it. Mayella had the bruises on her right eye. The only way someone could get a bruise the right eye is someone who left her. Tom Robinson was disabled on his left arm because of an incident that occurred when he was younger. The only person left was Bob Ewell. The way they found this out was when Atticus told Mr. Ewuell to wright his name and Mr. Euwell wrote his name with his left hand. I assume that if Tom Robinson is disable and can not use his left arm because of his accident that occurred when he was younger. I Predict that Mr. Euwell did it because he is the only one left handed person who is in the case, I also predict that Tom Robinson will not be guilty of this evidence that he is not left handed and he is disabled.

    1. I agree with you jojo because euwell is left handed and he might have been angry at tom robinson for being nice to his daughter and wants him to get punished so thats why euwell raped his daughter and then told her to blame it on tom robinson how ever,I would like to add on that not only is tom robinson's left hand disabled he is the only black man in that society and he doesn't get the same equal law or respect as the others in that society.

    2. I agree with Joseph Flores, on the prediction that Robert (Bob) Ewell, physically, mentally and sexually abused his daughter, Mayella Ewell, and wrongfully accused Tom Robinson for the rape and beating of his daughter. However, I would like to add that yes, Bob Ewell did catch Tom Robinson in her room, he is a young black man in the early 30s, So if Bob Ewell were to try and cover up what he has done to Mayella, Tom Robinson would sadly, be the best person to frame. Bob, most likely thought that it would be an easy case, they would see that the defendant was an unwealthy black male, and consider the case done and done.

  17. In “to kill a mockingbird” by Harper Lee, the story talks about this old lady named Mrs. Dubose. She is this old lady that is always saying the meanest things to these kids named Scout and Jem. This old lady reminds me of how when I was younger this old lady would always yell at me when I would walk by on my way to school. I never knew why she would do that but eventually I would just avoid her and turn on the street after hers.it took me longer to go around her house but who cares, even some of my friends would go the same rout as I did because she was just the worst person to see in the morning. Mrs. Dubose would yell at scout for wearing overalls and not a dress like a young lady should. That reminds me of my sister because when I was younger my sister would always wear tomboy cloths. This old lady is also making fun of their father to because she is saying that he is a black man lover and how it is ashamed how he did not marry again after their mother had died. I want to see if ant thing happens to this lady in the future.

    1. I strongly agree with Jonny that Mrs.Dubose was a mean old lady however, I want to take her side because of all of the factors that support her obnoxious attitude. One being that later on in this passage you will figure that Dubose was taking medicine for her eternal pain. With the clues given you can figure that she stoped taking her medicine because she only had a few weeks to live and she wanted to die without anything supporting her. This is why I take Mrs. Dubose side and believe that she had a reason to be the way that she was.

    2. I agree with Johnny that Mrs. Dubose is a mean old lady. However you should have wrote that the reason that Mrs. Dubose was so mean to Scout and Jem was because she was a morphine addict and wanted to die with her dignity. I also encountered a mean old lady when I would walk home from school. She would enjoy making fun of me for no reason. I also decided to go around her house instead of being made fun of. I never found out why she was so mean. I would like to know more about why Mrs. Dubose was a mean lady.

  18. In the novel titled To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the author describes the Maycomb County courthouse as “The concrete pillars supporting its south roof were too heavy for its light burden. The pillars were all that remained standing when the original courthouse burned down in 1856. Another courthouse was built around them. It is better to say, built in spite of them. But for the south porch, the Maycomb County courthouse was early Victorian. From the other side, however, Greek revival columns clashed with a big nineteenth-century clock tower housing a rusting unreliable instrument…” The way the courthouse is built really reminds me of an old eighteenth century type of building with the white pillars at the front of the building holding up the roof. The way the courthouse is described also reminds me of the way the white pillars in Greece were built. It reminds of towering, white, beautiful columns that seemed to be spiraling up. The way the house is described also states that there is a clock tower on the top, which reminds me of the clock tower in England, rightfully called Big Ben. The courthouse to me feels like it is archaic structure, with a lot of history behind it.

    1. I agree with Miguel Reyes because when I imagined the courthouse it also reminded me of an old eighteenth century type of building with the white pillars at the front of the building holding up the roof. How the courthouse is described it reminded me of the way the white pillars in Greece were built just like Miguel. A clock tower also reminds me of the clock tower in England called Big Ben. The pillars of the courthouse were all that remained standing when the original courthouse burned down in 1856. The courthouse in TKMB definitely has a lot of history behind it.-Daniel C

    2. I agree with Miguel Reyes on how the author does such a perfect job on describing the courthouse and I like how he brings up how the ways the pillars were built reminds him of the big white pillars in Greece. Miguel does not only bring up the pillars from Greece but he also brings up the big ben in England. I want to know more about your opinion about the court house and would like to see you add something about your live that you have done that had to do with a courthouse.

  19. In the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, a black man named Tom Robinson is accused of raping a white woman; Atticus is defending Tom Robinson while Mr. Gilmer is defending the Ewells. I agree with Tom Robinson because Mayella Ewell stated that she had bruises on the right side of her face. How is this possible when Tom Robinsons left arm is crippled, “he got it caught in a cotton gin” (249). Thus leaving his hand twelve inches shorter than his right. Why did Mayella blame Tom Robinson for something he didn’t do? Was it her father that beat her? Mr. Ewell is a drunk and Mayella said that her mother died long ago. She can’t even remember her. So how is possible that there are so many young children at the Ewells place. Mr. Ewell is left handed, this was proved when Atticus asks Mr. Ewell to sign his name. What does this mean? This means that Mr. Ewell was the only person possible to hit Mayella on the right side of her face. Another piece of evidence that proves Tom Robinsons innocence is that Mayella wasn’t taken to the hospital. Possibly so the truth wouldn’t be told. In my opinion Tom’s race has to do a lot with this case.-Daniel C.

    1. I totally agree with you but I want to know what does this have to do with Tom Robinson being innocent,” She can’t even remember her. So how is possible that there are so many young children at the Ewells place.” I think you are trying to get at the point that her father would abuse her and beats her but it's not to clear what you are saying. Another thing is that I think that you should have put in the part of how you could see hand marks all around her neck as if someone were choking her.

    2. I agree with you, Daniel, on how you say Tom Robinson is a victim of a fraud committed by the Ewells. The evidence that shows on Mayella and the testimony given by Mayella and Bob Ewell don’t add up. I believe that the testimony given by Tom is the most credible, because in reality Tom did not do anything to Mayella. The evidence also points to abuse from Bob Ewell, because the way Mayella reacts to when Atticus points out how Bob could have hit Mayella instead of Tom Robinson. I believe that the jury is mainly race based and is unfair.

  20. In chapter 15 of "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, we are shown a screen where Atticus is confronted by a mob. What i found interesting was that Scout was able to make them go away. While the test said that the mob went away because she made them feel like individuals i disagree. I think that they went away because Walter Cunningham told them too. The reason i believe he told them too was because he wanted to get away from Scout because she was embarrassing him or making him feel ashamed by asking him all those questions. I bet Scout just didn't know how rude she was being because she's still a little girl. What she doesn't understand is that Atticus wanted Jem,Dill,and Scout to leave because he didn't want them to be put in danger. The reason they would be put in danger is because Atticus is defending a black man in court which not many people approve of . Maybe as a way of getting back at Atticus they could hurt his kids. Another question i have is what would've happened if Jem,Dill,and Scout weren't there? What would the mob have done to Atticus? - Kathy Zacarias

    1. I agree with you about how Scout and Atticus viewed this situation from different perspectives. However, I disagree with why the mob left. I do believe that they left because she made them feel like individuals. Mr. Cunningham is a father, and when Scout spoke to him of his son I think he put himself in Atticus' position and thought that the best thing to do was to keep the children out of danger. I'm sure if his son were there he wouldn't want any harm to be done to him because the children are innocent. You can not punish a child if you may not agree with what their parents did. I believe if Jem, Dill and Scout would not have been present then Atticus could have been seriously hurt.

    2. I agree with you on the mob leaving because Mr.Cunningham told them too, because Mr.Cunningham is a father so obviously he wouldn't hurt the children for no reason besides there father defending a black person but the children can't really do anything to prevent that and just like Beatriz said "You can not punish a child if you may not agree with what their parents did." I also have a theory I guess if the children weren't there for Atticus, If the children weren't there for Atticus they would've probably beated Atticus to a pulp or MAYBE even killing him.

      -Ricky Marvin Albay

  21. In the novel, “To kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, in the first few chapters Atticus tells Scout that, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”(39). When I first read that quote I didn’t really pay much attention to it. I told myself that Atticus shouldn’t be so nice and courteous all the time. However, as I started reading more of the book, I realized how much judgment there was, especially with Atticus and Boo Radley. They had painted this ugly picture of Boo and made him out as this evil phantom that everyone should be afraid of when really, no one knew what he was actually like. They never stopped and thought about doing as Atticus has stated so many times, to put themselves in Boo’s shoes. Think about how it may bother him that people had made up such rumors. With Atticus they judged him and shamed him for defending Tom Robinson, for “letting his kids run wild”, and even then he was nice to every single person who did him wrong. Chapter 16 is where I finally understand why Atticus told Scout that quote in the beginning. After the whole scene with Mr. Cunningham and the jailhouse goes down and Atticus is talking to Jem and Scout back at home, he says, “Mr. Cunningham is basically a good person” he said “he just has his blind spots along with the rest of us”(210). He also says, “So it took an eight year old child to bring ‘em to their senses, didn’t it?” said Atticus. “That proves something---that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because they’re still human…you children last night made Walter Cunningham stand in my shoes for a minute…”(210). Atticus is so optimistic and kind to everyone because he believes that there is good ineach and every individuals no matter that they may do bad things sometimes like Mrs. Dubose and Mr. Cunningham. We should all learn from Atticus and try to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when they are so mean. There is good in there somewhere.
    -Destiny Marquez

    1. I completely agree with Destiny when she said," We should all learn from Atticus and try to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when they are so mean. There is good in there somewhere." Sometimes we have to stop and think about others instead of just thinking about ourselves. When we talk, could we possibly be hurting someone's feelings or their reputation? This is what the town's people did to Arthur(Boo) Radley. They made him seem like this horrible monster who never did anything good for anyone. This, however, is wrong as we see in the end of chapter 29. Arthur is the one that helped out the children, after Scout and Jem were attacked by Mr.Ewell. He dragged Jem home while he was unconscious, because his arm had just been broken. At the end of the night, Scout walked Arthur home, there she was able to "stand" in his shoes and see his point of view, pages 373 to 374. "Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough."

  22. “You makin’ fun o’ me again, Mr. Finch?” In the eighteenth chapter of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Miss. Mayella Violet Ewell is giving her testimony. In her cross examination, the defense attorney asks her some questions, that seem irrelevant. He asks her things like who she is friends with, and followed up by asking if this nineteen year old girl if she even had friends. She thought he was teasing her, which leads me to believe that she doesn't have any friends. In her testimony she adds that she and her dad, Bob Ewell, are the only two in their household of nine who can read. Mayella is a really important literary character in To Kill a Mockingbird because she makes a reader truly understand empathy. I say this because, at first she seems like one of the antagonists of the story because she is accusing a man of rape who didn't do it, even though he is one of the only people who have ever shown her kindness, and he will most likely get killed; the worst part is she does all of this because she most likely was raped but by her father, and if she accuses a black man, he will most likely be convicted. That being said when one digs a little deeper they can find a young girl, with no friends, who was forced to grow up too soon. She takes care of seven children, and has little help from her alcoholic father. Mayella is one of the Mockingbirds in this novel she represents a fragile helpless character, not a villain.
    -Jamie Peabody

  23. "She was white, and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society is unspeakable: she kissed a black man. Not an old Uncle, but a strong young Negro man. No code mattered to her before she broke it, but it came crashing down on her afterwards." (20.44-45) In the books “How To Kill a Mockingbird the narrator talks a lot about racism in the world we live in now we think that because a person who is black is dressed in baggy jeans and a white t-shirt people say “oh he's in a gang and bad influence don't hang out with him/her”. That that person has committed a crime or has a criminal background but we haven't even meet the person and we already judge him/her by their looks. A lot of people are judge by the way they are dressed, family background, where they live,and how they walk. Racism is a really big problem today in our society. Many people judge a person also based on the publicity they get and how much money they got. If a black man has a good car people think he probably stole that ca

  24. In the passage “To kill a Mocking Bird” , by Harper Lee, the author, almost gives us the perspective of the jury and Atticus's opinion on whether Tom Robinson was rightly accused for rape. Harper gives many clues and hints to Toms innocence.She gives many examples that would suppose that tom is guilty but also slowly gives us hints that support tom in not being guilty. One example of this is when sheriff Heck, a supposed eye witness, is stating the injuries that he saw on Mayella, however Heck wasn’t to sure himself where the injuries were so this specifically made the reader start interrogating the story. Another example that brings me more to the non-guilty side is that Mayella was striked in the ride of her which means the attacker had to be left-handed. Atticus makes Ewell sign his signature on a piece of paper and it so how happens that mister Ewell himself is left-handed. This is important because Tom is incapable of striking Mayella because he is handy-capped from his left arm . When he was younger he his left arm got stuck inside a cotton gin which caused his muscles to get torn loose from his bones. My theory as of now is that Ewell, Mayella’s father, is the one who caused her harm but Mayella is afraid to speak up and tell the truth. Another hint is that Mr Ewells caught Mayella on Tom and stated" You little slut, I'm gonna kill you", so this counts towards motivation that Mr Ewell was guilty.

    1. I agree with you, Eduardo, on how the author shows how Tom Robinson is innocent, but slowly gives the reader hints on how the he actually is innocent. In the book, the characters often give testimony on how he is accused of rape, and shows that the other white folk do believe the story just because he is black. Later on in the book, Atticus starts to unravel the truth and shows slowly but steadily that tom is really innocent. Atticus also shows that he is not going to win but still proceeds to go on with the trial just to show he still has a shot.

  25. In the novel"To kill a Mocking bird" by Harper Lee,Atticus asks Mayella a question in the court and says "who beat you up?Tom Robinson or your father? No answer(251)",Basically what Atticus told Mayella is that who really raped or hurt her,but she stays quite and doesn't give an answer because she knows that Tom Robinson didn't rape or hurt her.Another question that Atticus gives to Mayella is "Why don't you tell the truth,child,didn't Bob ewell beat you up?(251)"Basically what Atticus is saying is that he knows that Mayella is telling a lying and wants her to tell the truth so that Tom Robinson could be free from being acused from raping Mayella.

  26. I agree with you Alex on that Tom Robinson didn't rape or hurt mayella and she's staying quite and is not giving an answer to Atticus because she knows it is true on what Atticus told her. I also agree with you again because Atticus does know who beat her up but he is just trying to get mayella into telling a lie to make her tell the truth on who raped her and make her tell the truth that it was not Tom Robinson but it was her dad Bob Ewell. I agreed with twice because the things you said were both true.

  27. In the book "To Kill a Mockingbird " by Harper Lee, chapter 17 in the Tom Robinson case Mr.Tate states " Oh yes, that'd make it her right. It was her right eye Mr.Finch. I remember now, she was bunged up on that side of her face..." showing how the right side of "rape" victim Mayella Ewell's right eye had blackened. This evidence alone shows the innocence of Tom Robinson. Going off of what Mr.Tate stated previously she was injured on her right side. Mr.Rodinson has a crippled had from a accident happening years ago. She could have only been struck by some one left handed. Previously Mr.Ewell was shown to be left handed . Proving that it was Mr.Ewell that abused Mayella and not Mr.Robinson .
