Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Always Running Blog #2

Luis Rodriguez, in his autobiographical novel, argues that his environment influenced much of his actions and beliefs. Do you believe Luis is a victim, a survivor, a hero, or an "everyman"? Explain your answer using specific details from the text. (Min. of 250 words)


  1. Although Luis did overcome many obstacles in life and his environment did influence much of his actions and beliefs, in my opinion Luis is an everyman. Sure his life was filled with many a challenges but who’s life isn’t? It was 1960s-70s and he was not the only Mexican man getting discriminated . Life back then was hard for minorities but Luis was one of the many minorities who chose to change his life for the better of himself and his family. Although others may argue that Luis was a survivor or hero, because he stepped up his game and turned down many things that involved violence or gang related things he did not want to do.They also may argue that Luis decided to make a difference and start ToHMAS, and become an active leader . However, he was living in an era where many minorities wanted to make a difference. For example, all the other students who eventually joined ToHMAS also wanted a change in their life. Although Luis was not the only one who was making a difference or at least trying to make a difference, I do agree he was a hero to an extend. Like when he helped Licha,while she was getting beaten by the cops and after she was in and when she was out of prison. However, my overall opinion on Luis being an everyman still remains because of all the minorities who fought to make a difference in their everyday life just like Luis.

  2. In the autobiography Always Running, author Luis Rodriguez believes that an environment influences much of someone’s actions and beliefs, his included. With that in mind, much of Luis’ actions were solely based on his living in gang communities and peer pressure. Although he committed a ton of wrongdoings, I believe Luis Rodriguez is a survivor, one who broke free from the chains of peer pressure influenced by gang surroundings.
    Rodriguez has trekked through hell and back. He has stabbed a man with a screwdriver, died from sniffing and came back, experienced extremities of racial discrimination, and gone through death of beloved ones. All of these experiences from the gang life are what he has dealt with since such a young age but yet he has overcame all of these obstacles. He has literally died and came back, something that signifies a survivor. What strengthens his survival is that he has explicitly shared his story in this autobiography; one he wrote to persuade his son and others growing up through hardships that life does not end there. He qualifies as a survivor because he does not let his past break him, but rather strengthen and drive him.
    A specific moment in the book where it symbolizes that he has broken free was the ending. Chava comes up to him years later with death threats and Rodriguez stays calm and admits that he is Chin, his identity of the past. Although his life is put in danger, something he is used to, he remains calm, instead trying to comfort and help Chava survive as well. He symbolizes a survivor through his actions. He admitted, understood, and comforted someone from the past and that was the moment the audience was able to realize the person he let go and became.
    Luis Rodriguez is a survivor. He not only survived the gang life but he survived addictions and peer pressure. Through his actions and biography, he was able to symbolize and embrace this title as well.

  3. I agree with Luis Rodriguez’s argument in Always Running about how his environment influenced many of his actions and beliefs, and in my opinion, Luis overcoming everything that happened to him makes him a survivor. He was thrown into an environment filled with poverty, drugs, and gangs, and although he became part of this disastrous community, he was able to remove himself and do something better, unlike most. On pages 244-246 of Always Running, Luis’ talks about Chava holding a grudge and craving revenge over an incident that he and his gang were involved in a significant amount of time ago. Luis then goes on to explain to Chava how irrelevant all the gang violence is now. This really emphasizes that it is difficult for many to escape that reality, and yet Rodriguez was able to survive it and accomplish greater things. He was able to extract himself from that environment, chaotic and war-like with all the feuding, and move on, something that I would consider very survivor-like. Furthermore, on page 249, Rodriguez writes that,“...there were some 600 Los Angeles youth killed in 1991 from gang and drug-related incidents…”, which illustrates that Luis not only survived mentally, but physically as well which must have been just as hard. It is clear that death within poverty neighborhoods and gangs is common, Luis’ friend dying as a child after running from police and falling off a roof, and a fellow gang member getting shot in the eye, and yet Luis never got significantly injured. I think the fact that Luis managed to get past all of that makes him a survivor, and although he did not choose poverty and the environment that goes with it, he was not a victim of it.

  4. In the autobiography “Always Running” by Luis Rodriguez, the author argues that the environment he pertains to be in is causing him to be the boy he is. The actions and beliefs that were created by his environment to be a gangster. In a reader’s perspective, Luis is a survivor from being a part of gang affiliation.
    Luis was not only as a child surrounded by deceiving moments but was also affiliated with the people who surrounded him who made him be a part of what he is. A gang member. Throughout Luis’s story he describes all the wrongdoings such as murder, attempted murder, sexual activity, violence, drugs, and a moderate amount of education. All this was a choice he has made and a choice that was slowly developed into him as a child. Which sooner he realised, “Everything lost its value for me…”(125) He began to further see what he was involved in was a total crime and misunderstanding in his life, a way to describe he did not care anymore. Luis is a survivor from gang affiliation. He seeks help, began to branch off from his gang to be in school and programs to help his community instead of harm. Luis found the fight between Sangras and Lomas pointless to the fact he wanted to unite both gangs to trust each other and stop the violence. To add on, the peer pressure over illegal sexual activity was never what he sought to do and ever did, but the drugs; he stopped to better himself as a young adult.

  5. In the autobiography "Always Running", author Luiz Rodriguez believes that an environment influences much of someone's actions as well as morality, his included. With that in mind, Luis was living in low income gang communities influenced by the peer pressure surrounding him. Recall that throughout the whole book Luis had no one to fall bac on and being part of Las Lomas meant finding a so called family or territory to claim as he mentioned. Although he committed a ton of wrongdoings I believe Luis Rodriguez himself is a survivor, a young man who was able to interpret things differently distancing himself from gang affiliations and bettering himself as human being. Luis faced the tragedy of discrimination at such a young age for speaking Spanish and looking different from the rest of society, stabbing a man with a screwdriver, died from sniffing but given another chance in life from the Lord above, and witnessed the death of his true compass in the gang. What was experienced throughout the gang were difficult obstacles to encounter. The reason I believe Luis is a survivor is because not many young adults involved in gang violence have the capability to surrender to that domestic life. Many fear of the futuristic consequences that come along the way when deciding to go their own separate ways after leaving a gang such as death for instance. Although Luis had the courage to give up that form of lifestyle and think of college and ask for justice. To add on, Luis was able to escape the peer pressure and addiction adding on to the list of survivors, those people capable of relieving themselves from the negativity society has us encounter

  6. According to the autobiography, "Always Running," by Luis Rodriguez, he struggled from his environment as he dealt with gang violence and discrimination. As he continued to overcome these struggles throughout the novel, Luis displayed to be a survivor.
    In the beginning, Rodriguez and his family stumbled along the lines of discrimination from neighbors, classmates, teachers, and even the police. Due to this, he joined gangs such as Animal Tribe or Las Lomas and became a "troublemaker" in school. Rodriguez was influenced to join these gangs which made him believe they were his family. In these gangs, he was pressured to stab a guy with a screwdriver, take a beating, and even do drugs. Many of these choices did not come from him, but the people that surrounded him. In addition, his environment and adults that attack him for his race have also been big influences in his life. Although he struggled with bigger problems and devastating losses throughout his life, he managed to get past them. He improved his life by drifting away from gang life and going back to school. He survived and escaped from the police brutality and discrimination that continued to go on after drifting away from gangs. Now, I believe he has grown to be an amazing father to his son. I believe that this autobiography is a way to show that people can change if they choose to. In his case, he chose to become a better man which presented his triumphant growth.

  7. In the autobiography, “Always Running", by Luis J. Rodriguez, environmental struggles are evidently present and showcased through his endurance of violence, racial discrimination and affiliation in gangs. Like mentioned before, Rodriguez endured so much throughout his life and fought for his place here in the United States. Luis Rodriguez stood up to the segregation and lack of opportunity present at Garvey High School, for which Chicanx students were not being represented. He stood up and represented the Chicanx community along with Norma, just when he was 13 years old. Rodriguez showcased heroic behavior from a very young age. Although Luis was heavily affiliated with gangs, there came a point in his life where he came to a realization. “Gang violence stood at a standstill.—it appeared the internal warfare had given way to the struggle for land, language and liberty—when we had something more important to fight for.” (pg.166) To me, a hero is fabricated through personal growth, bravery and internal motive. Luis tremendously grew as a person and that is illustrated in the previous quote. Luis participated in walk outs, raised his voice, and did not let the school’s presumed norms get in the way of his resilience. When the “Anglos” were putting down his culture through the mockery of Pocahontas, Luis took initiative along with Esme to interpret an Aztec dance in front of a row of judges and performed the authentic dance. This was a huge deal. Chicanx students finally were being represented at the high school and that became the beginning for “more Chicanos [becoming] involved”. Heroes always set example and mentor others to do good. That is why Luis J. Rodriguez can be seen as a Heroic figure.

  8. Joanna Mendoza October 27, 2017 10:37 AM
    According to the autobiography "Always Running" by Luis Rodriguez the author argues that Luis became the boy he is now because of the environment he lives in. Luis lives in an environment full of violence, he struggled with gang violence and discrimination. Luis had many challenges in life but he himself had to overcome them because he had to change his life for himself and his family. In the beginning of the Book Luis was a survivor because he had to deal with discrimination from his neighbors, classmates, teachers, and many more people. Due to all this discrimination Luis joined a gang called “Animal Tribe” he believed that by joining gang his life was going to be better. When Luis joined his gang he became a trouble maker in school he caused many problems, at that time Luis didn’t realize anything all he worried about was himself and his gang to whom he called his “Family”. After realizing that everything he has done has been no good for himself he realized he needed to change. Luis wanted help to become a better person. Even though Luis didn’t get hurt by losing his friends it made him a survivor because he dealt with friend’s death, poverty and discrimination. Luis was looking for programs to help his community he started going to school he didn’t want to live in anymore violence. Luis wanted both gangs to unite with each other so that the gangs won’t cause any more violence. Luis and his friends did anything to help others, and to have them stand up for themselves.

  9. From the autobiographical novel, "Always Running," I believe the author, Luis Rodriguez, would be considered an “everyman”. Mankind itself seeks power, it is in our nature to desire being above in the food chain, which is why I believe Rodriguez’ actions were bound to occur based upon the environment he was surrounded in. In the beginning of the novel, Rodriguez’ brother, Rano, was said to have taken out his rage on Luis in various ways of playdates. In chapter one, Rodriguez states his brother pushed him off of the rooftop and choked him with a rope, Rano’s actions then influenced the neighborhood kids to also walk over Luis which was the start of Rodriguez’ desire to want power. Later on in the novel, Rodriguez even confesses to wanting power, the power to create fear from others solely by his presence. This idea was mentioned in the second chapter when he said, “I wanted this power. I wanted to be able to bring a whole school to its knees and even make teachers squirm. All my school life until then had been poised against me; telling shy and fearful…I wanted the power to hurt somebody.” The idea of having the ability to cause others pain sounded like a good idea to him, for at a younger age he was everyone’s piƱata, it was only okay if the roles were reversed. This is what then leads him to joining more powerful gangs, his peers showed him that strength can cause someone to cower away, and since he was the one getting beat up, it’s obvious he would choose the path he chose.

  10. In the autobiographical novel, "Always Running" by Luis Rodriguez, he really struggled with the environment he was in which would make him a survivor and a victim. Luis survived through many different things that had to do with gang violence. The reason he is a survivor is because he was always pressured into doing things he knew was wrong. Things like stabbing a guy with a screwdriver,take beatings and do different types of drugs. The only reason why he continued to do these things is because he was part of the Lomas. Him being apart of this gang shows that he thought he had no other choice but to be loyal to the gang,and in some cases this was true because if he did not fulfill the wishes of the leaders they would come after him. Also him and all of the gang members were victims of police brutality. He did not begin to think that he was able to get away from the gang until he had the opportunity to go back to school. When he went back to school he was able to become a leader and take action in the things he thought were wrong. For example he puts together protests with the school so they would respect the Chicanos more. Or get more Chicano teachers and add more classes for them to take. This novel goes to show that just because you were once labeled as a "troublemaker" you can get out of that if you take opportunities that are given to you.

  11. In the autobiography “Always Running”, by Luis Rodriguez he mentions that his environment influenced much of his actions and beliefs. I agree with him since your personality can be mainly shaped by the things you surround yourself with and witness. I believe Luis is not an everyman he is a survivor and a hero. He has encountered many obstacles such as poverty, racial discrimination, and death. When he first moved to East L.A. he experience racial discrimination from everyone in society including police authority and school officials. Due to the poverty and discrimination he had fallen into the barrio lifestyle . At a young age he had experienced the loss of many close friends. For instance he witness Tino die at an attempted escape from the cops. However after , he tries to make a difference by taking leadership in his community center and in the club at school called ThoMAS. The new roles he played in life made him think hard of the barrio feud and how they should just leave it all behind . In the last chapter , many years have gone by and Luis encounters Chava who is filled with rage . Chava is still anger at what happened many lifetime agos and Luis tells him , “ There’s some things to fight for, some things to die for , but not this . Don’t waste the rest of your days with this hate.” This shows how Luis has gone away from the barrio lifestyle and how he won’t let it affect his life today . Overall , he witnesses and experiences a lot of things many people don’t , which makes him a survivor. However , there is a few who had similar experiences and can relate to his stories . Some of the people who had similar experiences but chose differently can recognize his decisions and maybe start to make changes in their lives. His book has inspired many people whether it be recognizing that gang lives do affect people’s lives or motivating them to leave that gang life behind .

  12. In Luis Rodriguez’s autobiography “Always Running,” Rodriguez argues that his environment provoked his actions and beliefs. Luis was a target of many institutions because of his background and by these means can be considered a victim. Rodriguez shares his experiences through poverty, police brutality, and institutionalized racism. Like many living in the barrios, they are not necessarily there by their own means, but by the systems that fail to acknowledge their existence. For instance, at Luis’ time at Mark Keppel, he, along with many POC, were disenfranchised by the majority of white students, which led them to be neglected in school activities. It was through his acts of resistance, like trying out for the Aztec macot and participating in protest rallies, that allowed for the Latinx students to be heard. Also, Luis and his family were also invisible from a city that thrived off of the glamor of LA (20) which made it nearly impossible to be acknowledged and to break free of the “incubator” they were living in.
    It is difficult to draw this fine line between being a survivor and being a victim. Yes, Luis was able to change his life, but what about other people that are in the same position Luis was in, like Chava and the gang members? Though I cannot speak for Luis, being a victim acknowledges that there exist perpetrators of racism, classism, police brutality, and the bureaucracy at school. We can (and should) acknowledge that Luis was an active part in pushing the progressive agenda, but we must acknowledge that he shouldn’t have to, rather it should’ve been the job of the school and authority, like Mr. Madison and the police, to help provide an inclusive environment for POC. Though his gang life was in a way the choice he made, it was also something he was forced into by poverty, lack of resources, and instability. Luis was able to make it out of the situation, but there will lie weight on Luis for the color of his skin and where he came from.

  13. In the autobiographical novel, “Always Running” by Luis Rodriguez, Luis really struggled with the environment that he lived in which influenced his actions and beliefs and that would make him a survivor. He faced a lot of obstacles such as poverty, drugs, gangs, and discrimination. In the beginning, his family experienced discrimination from the neighborhoods and Luis himself also faced discrimination from his classmates. Also, his brother, Rano is another example that he involved in gang when his brother got beaten by some dudes. Due to all the discrimination and violation he joined in gang. Then he involved in different type of drugs, committed murder, and went to jail several times at early age. He believed that by joining in gang would make his life better and then he and other gang members became troublemakers. Later on in the novel, Luis realized that all the things he did was wrong and it needs to be change. He then joined in the ToHMAS and looked up to Chente as an ideal person for himself. At this point, he did not completely stop to be in gang and still involved in some of the gang violation. However, he did that because he wants Lomas and Sangra to be united and stops causing more troubles. Overall, Luis went through a lot obstacles that make him to be a survivor. He survives through many troubles that he and others caused. He is an example of other people who faced the same situation that recognizes their mistake and the future motivates them to leave behind the bad things.

  14. Luis Rodriguez in his autobiography, “Always Running” overcame many obstacles of which came from his surroundings such as his environment and acquaintances. Throughout the course of his life he had various downfalls. As a reader you connect with the author on a level of empathy. Luis is a survivor.
    In chapter three it states, “but killing for stealing didn't sit well with me. This was a problem. A big problem, Yuk Yuk would say. “Or you'll find yourself at the other end of a gun,” Luis found himself in a predicament where the things he did were to protect himself.
    Not only was he in various troubles but in chapter four it states, “Closed my eyes. Hummed a song -- I don't know what song. But I couldn't do it. Prior to this I had been exiled to the garage for months. My mother had thrown me out of the house” Luis was lost and alone, he had emerged in such a low place that suicide even came to mind.
    Furthermore, regardless of how many obstacles were thrown to him he made it.

  15. In the autobiography “Always Running” written by Luis J. Rodriguez, the author discloses a series of anecdotes that support his claim that his environment influenced the vast majority of his actions and beliefs. For this reason, the reader is inclined to perceive Luis Rodriguez as a survivor because he was able to leave his gang lifestyle aside and work towards a better future. To begin with, Luis Rodriguez lived in a gang affiliated environment whose population was made up of low income hispanic families and other minorities. This brought forth many inconveniences and Luis Rodriguez found himself living “La vida loca”. At school, Luis was often racially discriminated and seen as a criminal by the administration and counselors. Having to attend a school that labeled him from the start caused him to change his attitude towards school for the worst. Luis was always fighting and he believed that it was, “Related to the ingrained system of tracking and subdivision”. As a consequence, Rodriguez accepted the fact that it was going to be hard to defy the low expectations that were set forth by the school and he took pride in his troublesome personality after asking himself, “Why not be an outlaw? Why not make it our own?” In a like manner, Luis’ attitude towards life changed in a negative way. Luis found himself in a dark place in which, “Everything lost its value: Love, Life, and Women. Death seemed the only door worth opening”. However, through struggle comes strength and Luis Rodriguez was able to resign from his gang life and work towards a better future. Luis became more involved in his new school described himself as someone who they, “Couldn’t dismiss -- somebody who had to be heard”. This optimistic attitude is the reason why Luis Rodriguez is perceived as a survivor.

  16. In the autobiographical novel, “Always Running”, author Luis Rodriguez argues that his environment influenced much of his actions and beliefs. Luis faced a substantial amount of discrimination, caused by neighbors, teachers, classmates, and even policies themselves. This environment filled with poverty, gangs, drugs, and discrimination are unquestionable reasons why Luis fell into peer pressure and did most of the wrongs and transgressions he partook on. Luis fell into peer pressure a countless amount of times, for instance “Do it”, were the words I recalled before I plunged the screwdriver into flesh and bone’’. However, although he did do many wrongdoings because of the environment he was surrounded by, Luis is seen to be a hero. Personally, a hero is someone who knows about a struggle, but then takes action to try to overcome that particular struggle. Luis tells of his struggle in the gangs but also of his recovery of that way of life. Luis took action in something that he was passionate about and personally affected by. There were obviously many other people being discriminated, and all those people who stood up in marches, raised up their voices and took action are considered heroes, just as Luis himself. Trying even though people are constantly telling you that you can’t do something is a characteristic of a hero. For instance, Esme said “Every time we try to better ourselves, we’re told to wait, to hold on, that things will get better”, however Luis didn’t stop taking action, and that's what I consider a hero.

  17. In the autobiography novel, "Always Running", Luis Rodriguez grows up and faces having to live in a tough environment. This does affects him as a person and he is portrayed as a survivor. Luis deals with gangs, drugs, violences, etc and has to deal with trying to survive each day. Not only does he have to survive mentally, but also physically due to the dangerous environment he was born into. The discrimination and gang violence he was involved in shapes the way he persieved and lived his life. He is a survivor because almost everyday he had to go through struggles and each day he had to push through to make it. Many people involved in gangs and violence turn out somewhere dangerous in life, become someone harmful, or even end up killed, which would be consider not surving. Luis is considered a survivor because he realizes that living the life style wasn't the best and eventually he changed his ways. He changed his ways and survived from the life that could've lead him to something far more dangerous.

  18. In the autobiographical novel “Always Running,” by Luis Rodriguez sustains that his environment influences much of his actions and beliefs. In my opinion, Luis is an everyman. He grew up influenced by everyone around him. He could’ve acted differently if he wanted to. Yet, he continued to be part of the majority of the community that’s involved in gangs. His book consisted of his choices throughout how he wanted to live his life. It included the decisions he took in order to be a part of something he was influenced to be in. It was his choice to be a part of a gang. He was always given two options, and he mostly chose the one that he was told to do. For instance, Puppet demanded Luis to kill a driver with a rusty screwdriver; Luis had two options then: leave, or take the screwdriver. He then chose the latter. His decisions are based off of who he wants to be influenced by, therefore he is just a normal person. We humans tend to settle for the safer route that will keep ourselves away from danger. We also learn from our mistakes and grow from it. Later on, Luis started to follow his morals which helped him build up to be the person he wants to be. He chose to go back to Keppel High school, he chose to be part of ToHMAS, he chose to organize walkouts for protests, he chose to graduate high school, etc. Luis is an everyman due to his constant improvement and regression he accomplished throughout his life. He is only human; similar to us.

  19. In the autobiography, “Always Running”, Luis J. Rodriguez argues that the environment from which he was living in contains many obstacles that made an impact to much of his action and beliefs. For his actions and beliefs of gang violence and racial discrimination, some might say that he ought to turn out to be a gangster. Through my perspective, I believe that Luis is a survivor who was once affiliated with the gangs. Even though Luis was living in a gang community influenced by peer pressure surrounding him, he fought for change in his life and his family. Due to these obstacles, he joined gangs such as the animal tribe and las lomas, where he starts to become a troublemaker in school and at home as well. Within these gangs, they peer pressured him to do things that he did not want to do himself. Like that one time they had him stab a guy with a screwdriver, take a beating to get in the gang, and etc, just to fit in with his so called “family”. Soon enough, he was able to remove himself from an environment that harmed him physically and emotionally. Although many tragic things happened in his lifetime, Luis managed to get past through it all which makes him a survivor. If others were to be in his shoes, they would not have handled it the same way Rodriguez did. Therefore, Luis improved his life by attending school to earn an education from which he can build off from. All in all, Luis wrote this autobiography for his son because he want to persuade him that there will be times of hardships and strength. Getting past the obstacle will be the hard part, but once you knock it over, it will show your true strength and potential as a person.

  20. In the autobiography “Always Running” by Luis Rodriguez, the author argues that the lifestyle he has been exposed to caused him to be the person he is. Not only was he a victim, a survivor, and a hero. He was also a simple man. Back in the 1960s-70s he was not the only Mexican man getting discriminated everyone who migrated over basically was seen less then human, which lead to how he met his “gang”. This choice soon made him realized, “Everything lost its value for me…” He began to see what he was involved in was a total crime and a way to describe he did not care anymore. These roles he played made him think hard of the barrio and how they should just leave it all behind. Many years have gone by and Luis meets up with Chava who is filled with so much anger. Chava is still angery at what happened so long ago and Luis tells him, “There’s some things to fight for, some things to die for , but not this . Don’t waste the rest of your days with this hate.” This sort of makes him a survivor and a hero for trying to save Chava with his own experience of the past. Even when all this happened he was also just a simple man who fell in love as well. His hardship and experience inspired many people that no matter where you come from or how bad it may seem you have opinions more than any you believe you ever had. You just got to get through it.

  21. Luis Rodriguez, the author and protagonist in the autobiography, "Always Running", was influenced through his environmental factors, which impacted his actions and beliefs. After experiencing major events, it is reflected on his ability to overcome past conflicts that Luis Rodriguez is indeed a survivor. After having to adjust to a community abundant in poverty and violence, he grew to reflect the circumstances he had to grow up in. Further in the story, although he had a history of violence and misdemeanor, he started to turn his life around when he joined the John Fabela Youth Center. The change in Luis begins on page 147 as Chente, the director of activities, which gave Luis a job with the requirements of going back to school. This action is the motivation into Luis escaping the grip of gang violence and back on track towards an education. Luis even became more involved in the community center through volunteering,community service, and even being open to sports such as boxing. Although once being a dropout, wasting away day by day, Luis became more proactive through being deeply involved at the center like community service, volunteering for a variety of programs, and even being open to changes such as sports (pg. 148). Many use sports to remain out of the streets and to keep themselves busy and Luis grew to begin to manage both work and Boxing. Luis described coming home with “eyes glazed in red because of broken Blood vessels,” yet waking up early the next day to attend the youth center.
    Luis had been a victim of both racism and societal injustices, but through being in a leadership group for Chicanos students, he learned to use both his voice and his actions to achieve changes in his school. For example, he and another student leader in To.H.M.A.S led a walkout in protest of an injustice held within a school at the age of 13, learning to be the voice for minorities like himself in a school dominant of majorities. Because of this action of ending racism within his school and earning the respect of others, when he came back, Chicanos integrated with pep squads, clubs, and other activities with Anglos, breaking down the strict demarcation between whites and Mexicans. The revelation of Luis’ survival is demonstrated on page 344 when Luis tells Chava “I've been working my way out of that useless existence. Now, I've found something to live for, ..something bigger than lomas and sangra.” The passage describes Luis’s view on gang relations as opposed to him once calling it a brotherhood. Evidently, Luis’s experiences led him to not only become a fighter, but a survivor.

  22. As I personally believe that Luis is a survivor. As a kid he had a tough childhood and moving around the way he did probably didn't make things any easier. Of course his family didn't have much of a choice as stated in the quote "A woman, sick all the time, with factory work for skills in a land where work is mainly with the soil." Moreover as he grew he and his family had to deal with discrimination. Being Mexicans in America in this time period was no cake walk. The quote "You don't belong here! Understand? This is not your country!" best illustrates the discrimination towards immigrants during this time period. Because Luis' family started at the bottom of the barrel in America, they lived in the Barrio. As stated in the book "Railroad tracks divided us from communities where white people lived...", there was also segregation in their living environment. This segregation shaped Luis childhood, more specifically his educational environment. When Luis was a child, teachers didn't try to understand him, they only pushed him and his brother away. Now the reason I say Luis was a survivor is because survived the toughest years of his life, and he eventually turned his life around, his creativity flourishing.

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  24. Luis Rodriguez’s autobiographical novel focuses on how events have molded him into the person he ended up being at the end of the novel. He became someone who left an impact in the students of Mark Keppel High School. Luis is an everyman because he is just one of the few gang members that have told their story about being treated differently. Everyone has been judged because of their race, appearance, or how they do certain things so there is no evidence to show how he would be a “survivor” or “hero.” We see people being discriminated almost every day. Throughout the novel, Rodriguez is tormented by the police and other kids who are from a higher class. In our society we see innocent people being mistreated which is just one example of an everyman. Rodriguez’s environment did of course play a major role for his actions. It caused many difficult events which led to events that changed him in some way and made him stand up for his beliefs. As we continue to read, we see how he has changed as a person and we see how he has impacted the school in such a way where he begins to get in trouble because of his beliefs. Luis’s life has always had its ups and downs but everyone’s life is like that. We all have those days where they are horrible and some days which are good but in the end it’s an everyday thing. We wake up and go through something different each and every day so for Luis it’s the same thing.

  25. In his autobiographical novel, Luis Rodriguez explains that the environment in which he lived in had a major effect on his actions and beliefs. Such an idea is clearly depicted in the life of Luis. Numerous of his actions, whether good or bad, were driven by his surroundings and living conditions. Because of his involvement in gangs in the many predominantly impoverished Hispanic areas he lived in, Luis fell under peer pressure. He was often forced to carry out a malice task simply to maintain a seat in the gangs he was involved in. This horrendous nightmare by which he could no longer have control over what he did became, to him, a lifestyle. Despite his multitudinous malpractices, including crimes of major degrees, Luis is most definitely a survivor. He, alone, had the audacity to rise above the life of terror that he was accustomed to for so long. Throughout his novel, Luis elucidates his life as a young, reckless gang member of Hispanic origin and describes to us his many experiences Mind you, he lived through quite some terrible experiences. He was a victim of ethnic discrimination. Additionally, he was a witness of rape; Although he felt that his friends’ decision in doing so was completely wrong, he allowed for it to occur because he didn’t want to be the one to ruin their “fun” Again, he was a member of the gang. He couldn’t lose his valued position by speaking up against their actions. Luis committed crimes, murder even, when he stabbed a man with a screwdriver. He has witnessed loss of special and important people in his life and even considered suicide. He utilized drugs as a form of escape, to the point where he had experienced death.These challenges, however, did not stop Luis from living a tranquil life. Instead, he viewed them as learning experiences and has allowed them to mold him to the being he is today. Luis stepped away from his old life, as he said in the final chapter of the book. He rose above, and turned his life around. He is now a successful author who seeks to aid others in choosing their paths in life through his writing. Luis’ ability in completely transforming his life based on the challenges life threw at him go to show that he is, in fact, a survivor.

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  27. In the autobiography “Always Running”, by Luis Rodriguez he mentions that his environment influenced much of his actions and beliefs. i believe he is an everyman, because as much as he makes seem that he is a victim, everyone in life is faced with hardships and it is nothing new. The only thing difference there is, is the they way the person chooses to solve it. Luis is an example of a victim of his own lifestyle. He made the choice of becoming involved with gangs and violence. Life is an endless cycle of difficulties.

  28. In the autobiography Always Running, author Luis Rodriguez believes that an environment influences much of someone’s actions and beliefs, his as well. The situations and many obstacles Luis had to face through his life did push him to do things he didn’t want to do or maybe things he wasn’t supposed to do, however these situations were common in this time period. Many minorities were discriminated and had to push through to everything thrown their way. The environment luis grew up on obviously had a negative effect on his childhood and the years before adulthood , but all these experiences made luis into a stronger person not to mention a very wiser person. Therefore , this is why I believe Luis was more of an everyday man, he decided to change for the better of himself and his family this doesn’t necessary mean he’s a hero or a survivor , Luis just decided to make a change for the best like any other person would. Sure Luis changed into a leader but everything he did and went through were very common among these times as many minorities fought for a change. Many of Luis’s attributes may signal luis was more of a leader or hero, but he only did what was best nothing besides what one would expect to make a better future for one and those around,

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  31. In my opinion, I think Luis is more of a survivor. Towards the beginning of the book you can clearly see that he is constantly being put around very dangerous situations ex: fights, violence, death, etc. But as the story progresses he begins to have a turning point. For example, if someone is stuck bleeding out and they are on their path to death; the moment in which the course of their destiny switches over to survival would be their turning point. Whether it be when help arrives, or they treat themselves, etc. So, relating it figuratively to his life, Luis was getting involved in bad situations [bleeding out] but when his higher instinct kicked in and he began to avoid that life and focus on his education, apply for college, get scholarship offers, win awards, etc. He began to turn the course of his destiny towards survival and a better future, that was his turning point. In a certain way or aspect, Luis was also a hero. Along the book in some instances so literally but what I am referring to is the fact that he saved the most important person in jeopardy in the whole book. Himself. You got a kid that has this great attitude, good educational skills, and endless possibilities that simply needs one thing . Guidance. And he gave that to himself. Well some might say, how is he a hero? or how did he save himself? Can he really be deemed a "hero" if all he did was take care of himself and put himself back on track? A task that much of our youth is simply held accountable for. So lets get realistic and relate it to our day and age. Is it really that easy? The definition of a hero is "a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities." Everyone knows someone like Luis, just as credible: everyone can be someone like Luis. But hardly anyone is. We see an insane amount of our youth fall into the crevices of violence, sexual misconduct, drug use, gang association, etc. Knowing it's wrong and knowing they are ruining their future and leading themselves to a dead end. They don't want that, i mean realistically: Who Would? But they lack many traits that, figuratively, people like Luis don't. Self respect. In order to say no to any situation that is doing them no good without the worry of their reputation being ruined. Bravery. In order to go against what is wrong and dangerous. And most importantly. Realism. In order to realize that the path their heading towards isn't doing them any good, so they have to change their course. They need to make their own turning point, but it isn't easy at all having lived their lives in such a way for so long. So seemingly, they also need perseverance. All these words so simple to understand but so difficult to apply. So in my opinion, Luis was a survivor of his own dangerous life that he was living. Along with also being the hero he very much needed and that very little people can be.

  32. In the Autobiography "Always Running" written by Luis Rodriguez tells the story of himself and what he did throughout his life both good and bad. He argues that the environment you are currently in influences much of what you believe and what you do . I believe that he is a survivor due to him actually overcoming that part of his life that was filled with chaos that he lived as a young boy. He’s not considered a hero because he did not prevent anything from happening he went along with it no questions asked except when it came to raping young girls. To me he is a survivor due to him actually turning his life around and not going back to what he knew. He met people along they way from Esmeralda, Mrs. Baez, Mr. Madison, Blanca, Alfredo, his parents, and his friends from lomas that helped him see that education is better than deception that something on the streets would change. He’s a survivor because at the end of the book he gets hunted down and is seen outside ready to get stabbed and killed but he uses words instead of weapons to get out of the situation. He is a survivor due to his surroundings and the actions he had made throughout his life.

  33. In the autobiography " Always Running" written by Luis Rodriguez shows the reader what he did int his life that made him to the person he is today. He mentions everything in his past from the good and the bad. One of the obstacles that he had to overcome was his surroundings like the environment he was in. The environment you are surrounded by can influence you as a person. I believe that he is a survivor because he had to overcome a lot in such a young. One thing that Luis did that considers him as a survivor is when he was able to leave the gang lifestyle away from his life to making a better future for himself. the people around him such as his parents ,friends, mrs. Baez, mrs. Madison Esmeralda and many more made him see a brighter future than the gang life. Also how see how education is more important to your future and in the long run. But he did face some set backs like all the times he was peer pressure to do things in the gang and for him to get away from it and leave int behind shows me that he is a survivor . Also he would be discriminated just for his race something he can't control and for him not of through is head and mess with him shows the type of person he is . Louis is a survivor because he notice that the environment he was in wasn't the best for him and he had to change it so he wouldn't have a bad future. he worked hard to achieve something that felt that was to far out there but he over came it.

  34. In the autobiography “Always Running” the author Luis Rodriguez shows his audience that the environment that you are placed in could really affect your beliefs, actions and the way you think. As you get in more depth in the novel you realize that most of the actions that Luis made, whether they were positive or negative, were driven by his living conditions. He grew up in areas where the population of people were mostly Hispanic or what people would call “ghetto.” In these types of surroundings he felt pressured to be in a gang, being in a gang meant survival. Luis performed tasks just to prove that he was worthy of being in a gang and to receive respect from other members. It seemed like an endless nightmare, a nightmare in which he called his life. Luis is a survivor because despite everything he has seen and was put through he chose to rise above the life he had been accustomed to for so long. Throughout the novel Luis shows his readers how he became the person he is today. He was a young, careless gang member and shows us the traumatizing situations that he was placed in. He was a victim to racial profiling and discrimination. He was also a witness of rape, he knew what his friends were doing to the female was wrong in so many ways but he didn’t speak up and say anything because he didn't want to be the one to ruin their “fun.” He couldn't afford to lose the respect and power that he had being in a gang so he stayed with his mouth shut. He has lost people who were a part of him and helped him become who he is today. After going through these experiences he seeked a form of escape and turned to drugs. These obstacles did not stop Luis, instead of allowing everything that had happened to him turn him bitter and reckless he chose to view them as learning experiences and has allowed them to build him into the individual he is today. Luis Rodriguez is now a successful author who shares his story with others that want to change their life for the better. He showed his readers that he truly is a survivor by turning his life around in a positive way.
