Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Frankenstein Socratic Seminar 2018

Choose one of the following questions and respond using textual evidence as well as evidence from your own observations, or other sources. Remember to use appropriate and professional tone when disagreeing with someone's opinions. Make sure to include T.A.G + P in your response.

1.) Is it dangerous or wrong to be ambitious? What might a person have to sacrifice to achieve a goal?

2.) Should scientist tamper with the "elixir of life"? To what extent do you believe in scientific experimentation for the benefit of humankind i.e. stem cell research, cloning, etc.?

3.) What is the duty of a parent? Should people undergo psychological evaluations before becoming parents?

4.) Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein can be seen as a didactic piece of literature, one that aims to teach a lesson. What do you think is the lesson, and is it relevant today?